everyone is dying ❤️

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I worked on this chapter instead of sleeping or watching attack on titan or having a healthy sleep schedule

(Y'all some major angst is gonna happen so get ready. Y'all voted no fire and that bothers me. I was gonna set the car on fire but y'all didn't want that shit 😃✨ )

Mic cried as the sirens got closer. He was stuck, they were stuck in the car. His foot was lodged into the crushed car.

He glanced over at his husband and his sobs increased, he was praying that Shouta was okay.

The sirens were on top of them, Mic was panicking. A fireman yanked on the door of the vehicle, the door fell off.

"Sir-" the fireman started as he reached toward mic to help him out.

"HELP SHOUTA PLEASE!!" he cried, hysterically crying. The fireman glanced at Aizawa and nodded, rushing around the front of the damaged car to yank off the door.

They, multiple firemen, managed to get Aizawa out of the car and he was transported away in the ambulance.

A wave of hopelessness washed over Mic, his son and his husband were both dangerously injured.

Another fireman helped Hisashi out of the car, his eyes were puffy from crying. The man's ankle was mangled, but it would heal with time.

Eventually Mic was transported away in an ambulance as well, though his injuries were far more mild than Aizawa's.

Other firemen went to inspect the car that ran the light, but when they opened the door, all they found was a pile of brownish mush. They called over the police who took a sample of it for the case.

Aizawa woke up to the shrill sound of beeping.


Beep beep

Beep beep beep beep

He felt his heart rate pick up, and with it the beeping did as well. He wanted to punch the damn thing, the beeping was so annoying, it was giving him a headache.

Now that he thought about it, his head was throbbing, he looked down at his body from the metal pole.

A hospital gown? Splints... And IV... Bandages.

"What happened?" He thought out loud.

The man started to sit up, but was hit with a wave of pain and dizziness. "That's fine... I'll just lay down." He whispered to himself as he allowed himself to sink into the hard matress.

He heard door hinges squeak and he opened his eyes a bit to see who had caused the sound. He looked up to find a familiar man in a wheelchair, his heart surged. It was Hizashi.

'why is his leg in a cast? Is he okay? What happened? Lord my head hurts....' he thought to himself.

"Hey baby..." Mic said, tears welling up in his eyes as he slowly took Aizawa's good hand in his own.

"Hi.." Aizawa said back, keeping his eyes closed.

"Oh..! Your awake. How are you feeling?" Mic asked.

"Shitty... What happened?" Aizawa groaned.

"We were in an accident. I'm so sorry." Mic said, tears flowing down his face.

"It's okay." Aizawa said, trying to grip his hand back, but having trouble. He stared at his hand wearily, trying to move it to hold Hizashi's hand, but he failed. A chill swept over Aizawa, nausea following soon after, worsening his pounding headache.

He relaxed his head and closed his eyes.

This was all too much right now, everything felt okay when he was with Hizashi though, even if nothing was okay in the slightest.


Todoroki rested his head on his desk, something had to be wrong, Aizawa hadn't responded yet and it had almost been 12 hours.

He dragged himself up, he had to be productive and stop being so down and worried. What he was going to do to fix this feeling?

Cold Soba and Origami outside on the porch while watching the rain.

Todoroki ate his dinner, soft music playing in his ears as he watched the sky release a drizzle. He rested his head against the wall of his house, worry clouding his mind again.

What if....

What if....

What if....

He shook his head. No more what ifs. He would just have to wait. He would fold one crane for every minute he didn't have an answer.

Eventually he had 120 cranes and it was nearly dark, dusk settling into the sky and painting it dark muddy colors, the fading sunset staining the rainy skies.

He fell asleep and let the warm air of a early summer night calm him and lure him into a peaceful sleep, surrounded by a hundred origami cranes.

BNHA chatfic But With Angst And CoronavirusWhere stories live. Discover now