✨sO Im staying ✨

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I literally changed all my shit and I don't care about my well-being anymore so let me pour you all a fresh cup of angst.


1A groupchat-

Todoroki- it's been a day

Todoroki- Izuku won't answer anything I send him. He hasn't even read it.

Iida- calm down, have you tried emailing Aizawa?

Todoroki- i don't wanna bother him.

Iida- do you want me to do it for you?

Todoroki- ...............................

Todoroki- I do but I'm training to be a hero. Heroes have to do scarier things than emailing teachers. I got it.

Iida- okay :) good luck! Let us know what's going on okay? :( I too am worried about Midoriya.

Todoroki- his name isn't Midoriya anymore tho.

Iida- what do I call him then? Aizawa would be too confusing.

Todoroki- just call him Deku he doesn't seem to mind. Plus it's his hero name

Iida- alright then. If it wasn't his hero name then I would object. But okay. Deku.

Iida- I'm also worried about deku.

Todoroki- hhhh alright.


To: catlover@yahoo.com
From: todorokisho@gmail.com

Hey Mr. Aizawa. Sorry to bug you. Is Izuku doing okay? He hasn't been responding to any of my texts or even reading them. Sorry for bugging again. If your busy and everything is fine just ignore this.


Aizawa's phone pinged, Mic and Izuku were conversating.

He pulled out his phone, an email? From todoroki?

"He's probably wondering were Izu is.." Aizawa mumbled under his breath.


To: todorokisho@gmail.com
From: catlover@yahoo.com

Hey Todoroki. It's a long story. We dunno what happened yet. Izuku's phone is at home and we are at the hospital. Sorry for worrying you.


Todoroki's phone pinged, he picked it up. He read it over and over. "why is he in the hospital?" He asked himself, new worries blossoming within him.


To: catlover@yahoo.com
From: todorokisho@gmail.com

What happened!? Is he okay? Can I come see him?

To: todorokisho@gmail.com
From: catlover@yahoo.com

He got sick somehow from something he ate. We don't know exactly what's going on yet, just that he's not all better yet. But he's alive. And no you can't they are closed to visitors because of corona. Ill be going home to get stuff soon anyways so I'll bring his phone.

To: catlover@yahoo.com
From: todorokisho@gmail.com

I'm glad he's alive at least. He as a talent for getting into life threatening situations. :'( thank you for letting me know.

To: todorokisho@gmail.com
From: catlover@yahoo.com



Aizawa set his phone down on the couch next to him.

"Who were you texting?" Izuku asked innocently.

"I was emailing your worried boyfriend." He said bluntly.

Izuku blushed, turning beet red and stuffing his face in the thin sheet that was supposed to be his cover.

Mic laughed, not understanding why he was so flustered. Izuku lifted his head up, all flustered with tears in his eyes. "I miss shoto" he said, his voice shaky and wobbly.

He sniffled, wiping his eyes.

Aizawa was a little shocked, he was so emotional. It was probably the medicine, izuku had been in the hospital enough times to know that some meds did that kind of thing.

The rest of the day passed by uneventfully, Izuku was doing well.

It was time for dinner ✨

They ordered sandwhiches, Mic and Aizawa were going to grab a bagful of clothes to bring back, as they would be there for a bit longer.

Izuku was nomming on his sandwhich, when he felt a wierd sensation in the top of his throat, next thing he knew blood was gushing out his nose, he dropped his half eaten sandwhich down to his lap and put his hands over his nose, desperately trying to swallow the peice of sandwhich in his mouth.

Aizawa hopped up to try and find tissues or something and Mic pressed the nurse button.

A nurse came in, seeing the situation and immediately grabbed a towel, holding the bridge of the boys nose and holding the towel to his face.

After a few minutes it stopped.

What an unusual event. Everything went on as normal.

Until about 2am that night....


Yo today's my bday 🤩✨

BNHA chatfic But With Angst And CoronavirusWhere stories live. Discover now