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Dms- Icyhot, Broccoli

Broccoli- some stuff happened. I feel bad.

Icyhot- you feel bad as in guilty or mentally feel bad

Broccoli- both

Icyhot- what happened?

Broccoli- It feels so wrong to talk about

Icyhot- Izu?

Broccoli- please just. I cant stay here

Icyhot- at the house?

Broccoli- here.

Icyhot- dont be mystic please talk ill listen

Icyhot- Izu?

Icyhot- are you okay?

Icyhot- Izu???


Dms- Mr. Aizawa, Broccoli

Broccoli- im here.

Mr. Aizawa- are you okay?

Broccoli- I dont know

Mr. Aizawa- is everything okay at home?

Broccoli- I dont know

Mr. Aizawa- elaborate

Broccoli- I dont feel at home.

Mr. Aizawa- as in you dont feel like you should be there or because something happened.

Broccoli- Some things happened and i just. Cant. Im sorry

Mr. Aizawa- why are you apoligizing?

Mr. Aizawa- Midoriya?

Mr. Aizawa- problem child?


Dms- 0 sleep, Broccoli

Broccoli- im.not fine

0 sleep- what are you doing?

Broccoli- nothing

0 sleep- Izuku dont do anything stupid.

0 sleep- Izuku?


Izuku stuffed his buzzing phone in his backpack and quietly opened his window, grabbing his bag and hopping out. He was lucky he wasnt on the second floor.

He quietly lowered the window and left. He didnt feel at home. He didnt feel welcome. He didnt feel safe.

He felt horrible.

For worrying people
For making people sad over him
For making his parents hate him to the point where they didnt care.

He felt a sense of freedom, but also dread. Just the dread of living another day. He sat down in an alleyway in the city. It was so quiet. The normally busy streets were bare as everyone was at home.

He sat down and buried his head in his knees, falling asleep. He woke up a few ours later to a rumble of thunder and a few cool raindrops. He looked up at the dark morning sky. He guessed it was somewhere around 2-4am. He closed his eyes, letting the droplets splash on his lightly freckled face. Eventually it started to rain harder and he moved across the street, in front of a local cafe with an overhang so he could stay dry from the chilly rain.

He decided to take out his phone. He had alot of texts... Mostly from his worried boyfriend.

((A bit of Todoroki's side of the story!!! For my sake))

Todoroki sat on his bed, sweaty and nervous as all hell broke loose in his mind. He was unbelievably worried about Izuku. He felt himself start to shake, and tears formed in his eyes as he kept trying to reach Izuku.

His stomach was doing flops. He couldnt sleep, he felt sick, his head buzzed on and on with what ifs.

He had a lump in the back of his throat and he locked himself in the bathroom, sitting in the bathtub as he tried to get in contact. He let out a sob, hoping the sturdy rumble of the fan would cover for his delicate cries.

His dad was trying, but he still lashed out sometimes. Hawks had inspired him to be a better hero and a better father. (Uhm if you ship them idk what to do say or feel so. P l e a s en o n e o d t ha. T)

He heard a gentle knock on the door, he knew it was his sister Fuyumi. He slowly unlocked the door and let his sister see him.

Fuyumi- "Shoto!! Whats wrong!?"

Shoto just let out more tears as he buckled over, shaking.

Fuyumi closed the door and sat down next to her brother, consoling him to the best of her abilities until he had calmed down a bit.

Fuyumi- "okay. Now what happened?"

Shoto- "Izu- I dont know if hes okay! He wont respond to my texts and he said he wasnt feeling okay and-"

He was cut off by a hug, "im sure its okay shoto. Just have hope." (W a it)

Shoto curled up, letting his sister hug him.

((Bobity bop my vent tiem is over now back to izu)

Izuku stayed awake, quietly observing the quiet city. He heard his phone buzz yet again and decided to pick it up.


Mr: Boms- im leaving for work, see you when I get home. Have a good day at school.

Todoroki- (insert 69 worried texts)

Dms- Icyhot, Broccoli

Broccoli- im sorry. Im fine

Broccoli- i fell asleep

Todoroki- thank all might.

Broccoli- thanks for caring 💗

Todoroki- of course.

Todoroki- are we still meeting up today?

Broccoli- yeah...

Todoroki- '...'

Broccoli- can we get Starbucks...

Todoroki- they arent open.

Broccoli- for drive thru they are..

Todoroki- I dont have a car ;_;

Broccoli- sjbsjsbs

Todoroki- sjbsjsbs

Izuku looked back up from his phone, seeing the rising sun as its soft yellow rays make thier way through the maze of buildings on the horizon.

He felt empty still.
He felt lost.
He felt numb.

He didnt feel anything.
It was bitter.

He knew he wasnt safe just out on the streets, various criminals eould be out trying to rob the stocked stores.


What did it matter? Izuku didnt care if he died.

uWU so i got a desk and i went thru my art supplied and i have skdndmbdmdb so much wtf like look

uWU so i got a desk and i went thru my art supplied and i have skdndmbdmdb so much wtf like look

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I dont even KNOW what to do with all my watercolors lord. Anywahs im proud of this chsptwr sooo leave a vote ples thankskskksksksks

BNHA chatfic But With Angst And CoronavirusWhere stories live. Discover now