corona quarentine ?

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(I just remembered that during the school year, i used to be the only 8th grader in my dance glass. And whenever I yelled shadow clone jutsu and got in that position they would all run up behind me and copy me and it was AMAZING. )

Ahhh thanks for 100 reads!


Insomnia?- really?


Sero- EPIC

Ida- im sure school will resume as normal once this all blows over.

Insomnia?- will we stay in the dorms?

Momo- most likely no, considering thats living in close proximity and not all of us have computers.

Insomnia?- so we have to go home?

Momo- yeah

Insomnia?- oh ok lmao

Icyhot- uGhHHh i have to go home to my daddddddddd eWwWW

Insomnia? Is offline.

Icyhot- where did he go?

Kirishima- aWWeEEWw Todoroki cares about DekuUu

Bakubro- GAY DEKU

0 sleep- bro is deku ok

Icyhot- izu?


Izuku set his phone down, starting to shake. He had to go home. To his father

He let out an unintentional whimper and before he knew it he was neck deep in a panic attack.

He sat on his bed, suppressing the urge to cut. His hands were trembling as he attempted to calm down. Tears slid down his cheeks.

He grabbed at his hair, tugging on it as he cried, soon enough his arms were littered with fresh lines.
1 hour later

Icyhot- what has izu been doing?

0 sleep- idk he wont text me back it says hes offline.

Insomniac?- hey im back

Icyhot- r u ok?

Insomniac- mhm

0 sleep- im coming over.

Icyhot- is that another code?

Insomniac?- wait 😂

0 sleep- not a confirmed one

0 sleep- open ur door

Insomniac?- why?

Icyhot- im coming too.

Insomniac?- yall im fine??

0 sleep- open ur door.

Shinso knocked on the door and heard a mildly panicked, "one second!!" Come from inside.

Izuku hurriedly pulled on a sweatshirt to hide his new injuries, but his face was still puffy from crying.

Despite this he opened the door.

Todo: "have you been crying!?"

Shinso- "no duh idiot ask if hes okay."

Izuku giggled at thier shenanigans.

Todo attacked Izuku with a hug, and Izuku flinched suprised.

Im not in a writing mood today and I have shit to get done ill try to get more out soon 😽

Thanks for 100 reads 😳👉👈

BNHA chatfic But With Angst And CoronavirusWhere stories live. Discover now