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(A bird)

Midoriya protection squad

Icyhot- shinso

Icyhot- shinso

Icyhot- shinso

Icyhot- shinso

0 sleep muted the chat

Alienqueen- nani

Alienqueen- why do you need shinso

Icyhot- I need to make sure hes okay.

Aliemqueen- ship

Icyhot- frik you

Alienqueen- ur in denial.

My gf- me and tsu are lesbians.

Tsu- 🐸💚

Icyhot- I didnt see that coming but im also not suprised.

Alienqueen- AWEEEEEEEE

My gf added Ida

Ida- no

Ida- please, no

Back irl with shinso and deku

Shinso- "why dont you wanna talk about it?"

Midoriya stood up, pulling down his sleeves, "I just- dont. You wont get it."
It was harsh but not in a harsh tone. He meant it purely.

Deku left without another word, staying quiet through the rest of the week.
Friday night..
Insomniac? And 0 sleep dm's

0 sleep- you up?

Insomniac?- yeah

0 sleep- I wanna know. What actually happened.

Insomniac?- its nothing.

0 sleep- its clearly something. I just wanna help you more.

Insomniac?- its okay. Im fine :)

0 sleep- then sleep?

Insomniac?- hel l no.

0 sleep- ...

Insomniac?- nope

0 sleep- you cant just not sleep.

Insomniac?- sleeping. X 8 glasses of coffee everyday? ✔

0 sleep added insomniac? And Mr. Aizawa. To the chatroom!

Mr. Aizawa- please stop.

0 sleep- (screenshot of )

< >
Insomniac?- not sleeping. X 8 glasses of coffee everyday? ✔
< >

Insomniac?- im gonna get in trouble now.

0 sleep- im trying to help. This aint healthy dude.

Mr. Aizawa- he sounds like me jeez.

Insomniac?- lol

Mr. Aizawa- kid are you okay? You seemed a bit freaked out earlier in class.

Insomniac?- yep im all good.

0 sleep- hes not tho

Insomniac?- what do you know.

0 sleep- whats happening on the outside.

Insomniac?- mhm.

Insomniac?- sure.

Mr. Aiawa- you boys go to sleep we will discuss this in the morning.

Insomniac?- may i gain permission to skip sleeping.

Mr aizawa- uh.

Class groupchat


Insomniac?- im boredddddddd

Insomniac?- ahdlahaldgskh


Finally it was saturday, time to go to the mall.

BNHA chatfic But With Angst And CoronavirusWhere stories live. Discover now