we are gonna start shifting towards the old plot bc I remember what I was doing

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(crash course Hinata and nishinoya ^)

Deku sobbed into Aizawa's arms. Shaking, grabbing onto the folds of his black shirt.

"I hate this." He whispered.

Aizawa rubbed his back, "what happened?" He asked again.

"Why can't I just get a break. I just want it to stop." He responded, dodging the question.

Aizawa's phone buzzed in his pocket, a call from an unknown area with thier area code. "One second kid." He loosened the hug a little and put the phone to his ear.

Deku listened to the muffled talking and the look of concern growing on his face.

"Okay, okay I'll let him know thank you." Aizawa finished. Then he turned to Izuku.

"Remember your old therapist who got into some kind of accident or something?" He asked.

Deku nodded.

"She just passed away." Aizawa finished.

A wave of shock brushed Izuku, he felt frozen, unable to move. "O-oh" he felt himself choking up, his diaphragm forcing up hiccups and his eyes spilling tears.

Aizawa frowned and hugged him, rubbing his back, "you just can't catch a break can you?" Deku shook his head.


Mrs boms sat on the couch with the league of villains. "We failed. We tried and we failed. But! We did get the counselor woman ... Which is good!"

The rest of the league grumbled in agreement...

"So what we gonna do now." Shigaraki asked sarcastically.

"I think I have just the plan" Mrs. Bond said.

Izuku laid down on his bed, shaking still, holding his phone close. His thigh still stung.

He knew he had school the next day but he didn't want to go. They were starting in person school again next week, masks required, socially distant. He couldn't imagine. Aizawa was sitting in a chair at the end of his bed quietly.

"Kid, my head hurts, I'm gonna lay down for a bit, okay?" Aizawa said quietly.

Izuku nodded, "wait before you leave, uhm. T-" he stuttered, "Todoroki broke up with me." Tears threatened to spill.

"Oh.. oh kid I'm sorry. Comere." Aizawa engulfed him in a hug. Izuku shook in his arms. Aizawa cringed at his headache, "ah shoot" he stood up, "now is not the time to get a migraine. Let Hisashi know if you need anything kid"

Mirdoriya nodded as Aizawa left the room.

He laid down, falling asleep, a bit of a headache creeping into him as well.


Todoroki sat by his bed, relieved. He had done it.

He still liked him, he did.

He just knew he couldn't help him enough right now. It was so hard. It was gonna be awkward. He just couldn't pick up his phone anymore.

Especially not after his dad burst into the room and began yelling, his sister fearful sister holding natsuo back.


Mrs. Boms and a few other cadetes from the league strolled in.

"Easy. He'll be here in the nick of time."

Shigaraki smirked as the league shared a chuckle.


Izuku woke up to their cat nudging him, a wave of nausea hitting him. He leaned over his bed and vomited. He was dizzy. "What the-" he said softly as he finished. He couldn't see straight. He was sweaty.

The cat jumped off and clawed at the door. Something was off.

He hobbled out of his room, "-" he clapped his hand over his mouth and tripped into the wall of the living room.

Mic was laying on the couch, "kid? Are you okay. Your Dad isn't feeling too hot, and if we're being honest neither am I."

Izuku shook his head as he vomited into his hand. Mic stood up to assist him, his vision blurring and a wave of dizziness engulfing him. He passed out.

Aizawa wandered out, portraying the same symptoms to see Mic passed out and Izuku with puke down the front of him, barely standing.

Aizawa's vision blurred. "GET OUT OF THE APARTMENT." He yelled as loud as he could.

Izuku's legs were shaking, he couldn't see where he was going, his vision was blurred and spinning.

"Dad, help- I can't see"

Aizawa knew he had to get out of the apartment.

Aizawa hobbled over, blurry vision and a headache. "I need to get him out. I'll be back."

Izuku nodded, clueless about what was going on. He collapsed to his knees, staring at the ground as Aizawa dragged mic out of the apartment, leaving the front door open. The cat jumped out.

It hit Izuku as he passed out.

"Carbon monoxide."

"He's out. Plan B is in action"

BNHA chatfic But With Angst And CoronavirusWhere stories live. Discover now