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Izuku sat in front of the shop, his stomach growling and his eyelids heavy. He wasn't in a good place whatsoever.

Death lured him. It appealed to him. He was tempted to give in to the sweet appeal of it.

Feeling nothing. Thinking nothing. Being nothing. The thought of possible torture in the afterlife kept him grounded. It made him anxious.

Anxious to die but in too much pain to keep living.

A tear dripped down his face. He felt fidgety, nervous, and anxious. He wanted to run. Just run away from it all. He got up, grabbing his bag and began to run.

He ran and ran. It felt like miles. He had no idea where he was. He stopped by a old building, it was an older part of the town. He took a bottle of water and sipped a bit, he stomach growling again.

He sat down, his eyelids droopy, exhaustion tugging at his consciousness.

He just wanted to sleep. So he didnt have to feel or think. He didnt want to feel or think anymore.

He pulled out his phone, he wanted someone to tell him it was gonna be okay. Plus he would need to see Todoroki before someone noticed he went missing.

Dms- Icyhot, Broccoli

Broccoli- can we meet earlier?

Icyhot- where are you class started!

Broccoli- crap i forgot about that-

Icyhot- will you be able to come on?

Broccoli- its late now and I'm tired and i dont wanna be yelled at im just gonna skip.

Icyhot- thats not like you at all are you ok

Broccoli- im just really frikin exhausted. Im sorry

Icyhot- its okay..

Icyhot- sure lets meet up after this call, same place?

Broccoli- uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhm s u re

Icyhot- o k

Broccoli- ok

Icyhot- see you soon 💗

Izuku felt a wave of hopelessness wash over him and he began to cry. He wanted it all to end. He kept thinking awful things and feeling awful things. He was in pain.

He wasnt good enough for anyone who had ever wanted to love him.
He wasnt good enough for All Mights quirk.
He wasnt good enough for UA
He wasnt good enough for Kachaan
He wasnt good enough
He wasnt good enough

And nothing he did to try to change that would ever be enough.

He wanted to scream and cry and shout but he couldnt because everyone would hate it. The real him.

He started his trek to the park and made his way there with the help of our lord and savior google maps.

He looked up and saw a familiar red and white haired boy sitting on a bench. He ran up to him, getting engulfed in a hug.

"I missed you" he said in a shaky voice.

Todoroki- " i missed you too Izu." He replied before placing a tender kiss on the other's lightly freckled nose.

Before he knew it the small greenette had waterfalls of tears streaming steadily down his freckled cheeks.

Todo- "Izu whats wrong?" He said calmly.

Izu- "everything feels wrong."

Todo- "tell me more."

Izu- "it feels all sick inside and not happy and its always sad and i cant fake it anymore!" He half yelled.

Todo pulled him into a kiss, "hey its gonna be okay.."

Izu- "its not okay-"

Todo- "I'll make it okay" he pulled the hug tighter.

Izuku buried his head in his boyfriends shoulder.

How was he going to leave him...


Aizawa- "Hisashi do I have to call him?" He groaned.

Mic- "yes your the one who said you wanted to adopt him."

Aizawa- "you-" he sighed, too tired to argue, "fine."

Aizawa picked up this handy dandy thing called a phone and dialed a a certain number that happened to belong to a certain caregiver of the child named Izuku.

Mr. Boms.

It was probably about 2 at this point, the time when Todoroki and Midoriya had originally planned to meet up.

Mr. Boms picked up.

Aizawa- "hi this is Shouta Aizawa im here to discuss your foster child Izuku Midoriya."

Mr. Boms- "hi!" He sounded relieved. Aizawa had no clue why.

Aizawa- "he's being adopted. We will come pick him up soon."

Not that it matters to Aizawa's side of the story or anything, but, all color drained from Mr. Boms face.

Mr. Boms- "you mean your not calling to tell me you found him!?"

Aizawa- "no, what are you talking about?" He said his voice bland as ever.

Mr. Boms- "I havnt been able to find him all day""

Gasp what will happen next you will never knownendjdjsjsnsn ok anyways ahve a nice day ima go finish banana fish and probly cry.

BNHA chatfic But With Angst And CoronavirusWhere stories live. Discover now