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A nurse lead the two parents down a hallway, before stopping at a door.

The nurse turned to face them, "before we go in there's some ground rules we have set up for the ICU. Your son is currently in a medically induced coma,"

((yall did this to yourselves I was gonna make him awake✨ y'all better get ready because medical drama is my JAM and I will drag this arc on as long as humanly possible))

"We plan to wake him up when he becomes more stable. He's currently hooked up to alot of wires, please don't touch these wires or mess with them, because they are helping him stay alive."

Aizawa's heart dropped to his stomach, 'he needed help staying alive?' he thought. The guilt was overwhelming. He could have gotten help sooner. He could have gotten him in sooner. This was all his fault...

"Next step, there is a sink in the room, please wash your hands before you do anything else and do not remove your masks. Depending on how things go the rest of the night we may transfer him to a different hospital that has a specialist on these. A doctor will be in shortly to explain more about what they think is going on, as well to ask questions."

She opened the door for them and the two went to wash thier hands.

After that was finished the turned around to look. The boy was almost unrecognizable, he had tubes in his stomach and more connected to his wrist. He had another machine connected to his mouth, a ventilator that was helping him breath.

The only thing recognizable was his signature green hair and his freckles. The boys face was shifted into a pained face, but also a calm and rested one.

The nurse nodded sympathetically to them and then left with a final statement, "remember, don't touch him."

The two nodded and she left. They sat down, Mic had his elbows in his lap and his hands on a praying motion over his mouth and face, the hospital smell was overwhelming.

The last time the two had been in the ICU was in highschool, and things hadn't been the same since. It was unspoken, but the two were praying that things wouldn't end up the same way they did back then.

The door opened and a doctor greeted them, it was nearly 5am, the guy doctor looked exhausted. He smiled tiredly at them and went to wash his hands, afterwards pulling up a chair.

"I'm doctor ki." He smiled softly, his cheeks rising as he smiled and his eyes crinkling. He had bags under them, and was undoubtedly running on coffee and monster energy alone. Aizawa understood the feeling.

"It's nice to meet you, of course we could all say we want it to be under different conditions." The two men nodded, the small amount of quiet was filled with the whirring if machines and the constant buzz of the hospital.

"I'm here to explain some of the things we found while helping your son. As you know he's currently in a medically induced coma, he is safe in this state and it will help his body be able to heal quicker." The man rubbed his eye a bit, clearly sleepy.

"Can... Can you tell us what happened..?" Mic asked quietly, Aizawa was resting on his husband's shoulder.

The dr. Ki nodded, "we don't know alot, but from the scans, x-rays, and some other tests we did." He glanced down at his clipboard, "he think he's suffering from some kind of chemical poisoning. He had burns and swelling in his throat and he most likely has them in his stomach as well, we'll be doing a test for that tommorow." He sighed, lifting a page on his clipboard he continued, "when he got here, his pulse had slowed and he wasn't getting enough oxygen. He couldn't talk to us and eventually we had to give him some really strong pain meds and some anesthetics so we could do a chest x-ray, bronchoscopy, hook him up to a ventilator, and some other things without him being in pain"

"Uh- what's a bronchoscopy..?" Mic asked curiously.

"We put a small camera down the throat so we could examine any burns that may have been in his airways and lungs. He did end up having some burns, a few happened to be pretty severe which is why we are doing am endoscopy and more blood tests tommorow. An endoscopy is the same thing but for your esophagus and stomach." He finished, answering Mics other question.

Aizawa nodded, "is he gonna be okay?" He said quietly. Dr. Ki looked at him softly, "we'll do our best. And to do our best we need to ask you some questions about symptoms he had before coming here and some questions we usually have to ask the patient, but because the patient isn't able to respond we need to ask you instead."

The two nodded, eager to help Izuku get better.

"Okay. First question." He started, pulling the laptop from the counter next to them and setting it in his lap, ready to type away, "Did he eat anything before coming here?"

"We were having Chinese." Aizawa answered dully, "we usually get the same meal but today they had run out of ingredients and we could only get one. He tried to get me to eat it instead but I told him that he should eat it... And he did."

((his name is yellow in japanese lol. Idk why I did that))

Ki nodded and finished typing, "what happened after that? What were the first signs of him feeling sick?"

"He was about done with his meal, we were having a normal conversation and mid sentence he just.. stopped. Be got really pale, even green. He looked awful. He threw up." Aizawa didn't like being interrogated.

"Was there any blood or anything that was unusual from what a normal bug would show?" Ki asked.

Aizawa cringed, he didn't like thinking about it. "it was really... Violent? It looked really painful. There was blood later on."

Ki nodded and clicked away at the keyboard, "what other symptoms did he have?"

"He. He got really tired, he looked like he was about to pass out. He was holding his stomach and his chest, he was sobbing at how much it hurt." Tears formed in Aizawa's eyes and his grip on Hizashis arm tightened. "I couldn't find my phone- I tried to get him out sooner..."

"It's not your fault at all." Ki said sadly.

"What-?" Aizawa said, he was rather shocked. He didn't know if it was just good intuition or something else, but Dr. Ki knew exactly what he was thinking.

"Sorry, that's my quirk. I can read minds, but only when people get a certain level of emotional." Ki said, "it's not your fault though. You did what you could in the moment, any parent would have been scared and confused."

Aizawa shut his eyes, then opened them again, "but I'm a pro hero. I should have done better." He sniffled, he hated crying. He hated this. He felt so awful. Why did he have to mess things up so badly? If it weren't for him then Izuku may not be in intensive care right now. He may not have had to go to the point of life and death if he would have just called sooner.

Tears spilled down Aizawa's face, he buried himself into Hizashis shoulder.

"It's not your fault. He would have been hospitalized either way. I promise we will do our very best to make sure hes improving. Depending on how much he's improved he could be awake and out of the ICU by some time tonight." Ki said reassuringly. "Was there anything else?"

"He said his throat was burning. He was wheezing. He was still getting sick, I gave him a bit of water at one point because of how much he had lost from his stomach. By the time he could even get down a little bit he had thrown it back up. There was blood that time. And then one time after that there was blood as well. I tried to get him in sooner but this damn woman." Aizawa felt rage clouding his senses. So many things were running through his mind.

Everything he knew about her. What had happened. Theories and possibilities.

"Holy crap-" ki said, concerned. "Should we be getting the police involved here?"

Aizawa ran his hands through his hair, "it's been a day since I found out. So much bullshit has happened. I don't friggin know anymore. I just wanna sleep." Ki nodded, "me too. For now he is safe and that's what matters. We can figure out legal situations in the future. I do have a question though."

"Is there any way that Izuku may have done this to himself intentionally?"


This chapter is frikin ✨long✨ over 1500 words

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