even more angst for your fragile hearts

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((That picture has me crying also in honor of 30k reads would yall like a face reveal? Maybe ill do it at 35k if you want one 👁👄👁 so like. Lmk u know? Ok anyways end of announcements read with caution 👍))



It was about 2am when the phone rang.

Aizawa got up from his bed and rubbed his husbands back, he hadnt seen him this stressed in a while.

The black haired man, who I may add was wearing cat pajamas because the writer has creativity, picked up the phone.

Aizawa: hello?

???- hello is this Eraser Head

Aizawa- yes.

???- im the chief of police, im so sorry for the late call but we may have a lead on where Izuku is.


This statement woke Aizawa up a bit.


Aizawa- okay.. When are we gonna look for him?

COP- as early as possible tomarow.

Aizawa- what time.

COP- We'll be sending people out at 6am.

Aizawa- we'll be there. Thank you.

COP- Yes sir. Goodnight.

Aizawa- night.

--call ended


Aizawa was restless for the rest of the night.


Izuku woke up with a splitting headache. He couldnt remember what had happened the night before. He looked up and saw beer bottles and shattered glass littered everywhere.

The room was spinning and he couldnt see straight.

He heard footsteps towards the door of his room before his angry dad stumbled in. He looked enraged at the site of the boys existence.

Izuku felt a sting to his cheek before he even realized what was happening. His dad kicked his stomach, causing him to throw up, he was suffering from alchohol poisoning.

This only made the man angrier.

He yelled for an hour while physically and mentally hurting the boy. It only ended when the man passed out and Izuku fell out of his grasp, tumbling to the floor, small shards of broken glass puncturing his back, arms, and feet.

He felt himself hyperventilating as he desperatly tried to remember anything his therapist had told him. Anything at all. Any clear memory of home. Of when everything was okay. But his memory was fuzzy and his head was spinning as his fingertips grew cold and numb.

His teeth were buzzing and his whole body wad shaking as tears flowed down his face. He tried to be as quiet as possible as to not wake the passed out man next to him.

He was loosing his grip on everything. His fathers plan to break him was going perfectly as planned.

His hand found a large shard of glass. He rolled up his shorts and dragged it across his upper thigh. His breath hitched, but then evened out. He took deep breaths and focused on the stinging in his leg.

He let everything around him disapear as he focused on the immense pain he was causing to himself. His hand dug the glass into his pale skin again, this time deeper. He smiled a bit, not necessarily a happy smile, but a relieved smile. A smile filled with pain and exhaustion. A smile that showed no one he was okay but it didnt matter because there was no one he had to fake it to.

He explored the glass with the tip of his thumb as blood dripped down his leg.

He felt the tears stop falling and a shallow feeling wash over him. Like a coat.

He sat there zoned out, content while thinking about random things to distract himself, until he was brought back to his harsh reality by a mad man in front of him. 

"Why are you bleeding?"


Bum bum buuuummmmmm

Cliffhanger baby.

Also because i dont know what to do now b ut yeah


BNHA chatfic But With Angst And CoronavirusWhere stories live. Discover now