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((I started to read killing stalking and i definitly regret it but i wanna know how it ends.......O_o))


Fuck it after today i dont have virgin eyes anymore.

"You should go to school tomorrow."

Those were the words that pushed Deku over and made him anxious as all heck. He was scared to sleep. The thought of eating was nauseating. But he was gonna do it. He had to at some point and it was now or never.

Izuku sat in bed, overthinking, a new list of things that could go wrong forming and spiraling around in circles in his thoughts. The list was like a CVS receipt.

Bzzzt. Bzzzt. Bzzzt.

"A phone call is here!!" His phone sang.

He looked at the call screen.


He picked up the call. It was perfect timing. That Todoroki boy sure knows when the other needed help.

Sho- "Hey Izu."

Izu- "Hey sho. Whats up."

Sho- "I know your coming back to class tommorow and considering you werent answering my texts I assumed you were overthinking so I figured to call you and get your mind off it."

Izu- "I- ...... I think you know me better than I know myself." He said, a smile cracking onto his dry lips.

Sho- "i know. So. Are you excited to see the class again. They have all been worried. "

Izu- "not excited more anxious. I dont know how they will react how much do they know?"

Sho- "they dont know the fine details other than Ida... I think. Oh and Shinso. I think Ururaka may know too. That means Tsu knows... Oh Bakugo knows and if he knows Kirishima probably does too. Oh i think mina knows from Kirishima and.......... Yeah the whole class knows."

Izu- "wow. Uh.." His voice wavered.

Sho- "at least you dont have to tell them now? Maybe i should add you back to the groupchat. Then itll be less awkward on the call tomorrow."

Izu- "thats not a bad idea..! Sure lets try it."

Sho- "mhm"

Izu- "also thanks for calling. You always know just when I need saving. I love you" You could practically hear the soft smile in his voice.

Sho- "your adorable. I love you too."

Izu- "I had a nightmare earlier. I dont know if I wanna fall asleep again..."

Sho- "You know theres this thing I saw on tiktok and its like if two people think about eachother and think of a very specific place to meet they can have coordinating dreams. Maybe we could try it!"

Izu- "woah really!? Thats so cool!!"

Sho- "yeah. Should we try?"

Izu- "definitly. Where should we meet. Thats what we do right?"

Sho- "yeah. Thats what you do. How about the UA classroom and then we can go on from there."

Izu- "the classroom? Okay..!"

Sho- "see you in the dream"

Izu- "see you there!"

Sho- "I love you. Remember, think about me and the meeting place as you fall asleep."

Izu- "I love you too. Ill try my best."

Sho- "muah"

Izu- he let out a small giggle.

Call ended


Hi im still on vacation but get ready for some fluff chapters!! 😌😌😌✨❤ goodnight my lovely readers. THANK YOU FOR 11K READS WTF BROOOOO

BNHA chatfic But With Angst And CoronavirusWhere stories live. Discover now