mall tiem

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(Mondo attacc)

Finally it was Saturday.

Mr. Aizawa, 0 sleep, and Insomniac?


Mr. Aizawa: hey I need both of you to come down to the common room.

Insomniac?- okay

0 sleep- whyyy Im not even awake yettt

Mr. Aizawa: im giving you 5 minutes.

0 sleep- shoooot


Izuku and Shinso headed down to the common room to meet Mr. Aizawa.

Somehow midoriya looked more tired than shinso and thier teacher combined.

(Im so sorry for this format im sick od writing in the other format it feels so formal and i need a break. 🇷🇺 kokichi for russia.)

Aizawa- "Midoriya. Can you talk to us about whats been going on?"

Deku- "no."

Aizawa- "why not?"

Deku- "because I dont want to. And I dont need to-"

Shinso- "you do need to. Please."

Deku- "you wouldnt understand."

Todoroki has entered the conversation.

Todo- "what is this. Group therapy? Im in." He sat down with the others.

Todo- "hi everyone. I'm shoto todoroki. And I hate my dad." He smirks.

Deku- he smiles a little, "i need coffee."

Mr. Aizawa grabs him by the arm, "no your gonna tell us whats going on."

Deku flinched when Mr. Aizawa grabbed his wrist, and as a good hero would, despite Izuku's hopes and prayers, he did catch it.

Aizawa- "Midoriya sit down please."

Deku- he sits down, nervously bouncing his leg.

Aizawa- "show me your arms."

Shinso and Shoto watched, as Izuku grew pale. Shinso already knew, but the other boy was still discovering this side of him.

Deku- he felt himself go pale, "why?"

Aizawa narrowed his eyes and watched as the boy glanced to Shoto.

Deku- he decided if he was gonna leave it would be now. So he bolted, almost getting cought by shinso and narrowly avoiding Shoto.

He went to his dorm and locked himself in his bathroom.




The few blew up his phone.


16 new notifications from chatroom!

Mr. Aizawa: unlock your dorm now.

0 sleep- Izuku please.

Icyhot- we just want you to be okay.

Icyhot- please dont do anything dumb.


Pikachu- bro deku why are mr. Aizawa, shinso, and todo outside ur dorm on thier phones.

Alienqueen- what??

Jiro- is everything okay?

Kirishima- bro is deku ok


9 new messages from Ida, Ururaka and 1 other.


Todoroki- "im gonna try to call him..."

BNHA chatfic But With Angst And CoronavirusWhere stories live. Discover now