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((I want to drop kick my 7th grade history teacher 😌))


Also no one is talking about the fact that recovery girl gives out snickers after she heals them.

The green haired boy's fluttered open and he looked around. He heard the soft, bored voice of his dad and the slightly louder but still clearly whispering voice of his papa. He heard a females voice as well, he started to remember what had happened. He was mostly calm now, but a new wave of fear washed over him as he realized he wasn't safe from her and that it could happen again. How long was he out for? If he had been alone while he had slept she could have gone further than last time. He would've been defenseless, and that's what terrified him most.

He silently sat up, not knowing really what to say. He was still scared. He took in the scene before him. Aizawa was sitting in a chair, the unknown female, who he presumed to be his counselor, was sitting in a big fluffy chair, and Hizashi was sitting on the floor in criss cross applesauce.

The counselor was pretty, a short, dark skinned woman with medium length, curly hair that was kept out of her face with a cyan bandana. She had small, gold stud earrings and was wearing bootcut jeans with a large, partially tucked in, button down shirt. She looked kind, and trustworthy.

She noticed him sitting up and came over slowly, "hey there!" She said, "how are you feeling?" Aizawa and Mic turned thier heads as well. Izuku shook his hand from side to side, saying he was okay.

"How long was I out?" He asked quietly. "About half an hour, that looked awful, but I'm glad your doing a bit better now ." She said, her smile sweet and genuine, but also filled with concern.

"Your parents have voiced thier concerns, but from now on our sessions are private, unless there are things you want me to tell them or you are in immediate danger." She said kindly.

Izuku nodded, "do I still have a session today?" He felt uncomfortable in the building, knowing she was close by gave him goose bumps.

"Unfortunatly we only have about 15 minutes left, which we can all spend getting to know each other a bit, or you can go home, I know your probably exhausted." Izuku didn't feel exhausted, he was ancey. He was anxious, on edge, adrenaline pumping through him.

He thought none of the adults would notice, but all of them, either being trained heroes with a sharp eye or his counselor, who had a natural talent to seeing these things, all noticed his alertness and discomfort.

"I- I just wanna go home..." He said quietly, glancing at the door every few seconds. Everyone noticed, taking mental note of his strange and fear filled actions.

Hizashi nodded, "okay bud, it's been a long day, let's get you home.." the 3 walked out of the building with plans of stopping to get coffee for Aizawa and a smoothie for Izuku on the way home, but the small boy fell asleep in the backseat, the adrenaline pumping through him at the counseler's had been the only energy he really had left.


Yes I'm procrastinating don't @ me

BNHA chatfic But With Angst And CoronavirusWhere stories live. Discover now