pog angst

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Chile anyways here is mirio saying pog.

Izuku woke up, a chill traveling up his spine and down his arms. He became aware of the cold floor on his bare skin.

He felt the rough cold concrete on his bare stomach and arms, his head was spinning. It was dark, pitch black in fact.

He tried to talk but found a piece of cloth stuffed in his mouth, he reached to take it out, but found his hands were tied up with course rope behind his back, the same with his feet.

He squirmed, trying to get up, fear bolting through his body as he realized his clothes were gone and no where near.

He heard the creak of a door open as a fun light flooded the room. He was in a concrete jail cell in what seemed like a small basement or hidden room. A door stood at the top of a small set of wooden stairs. None other than Mrs. Boms was stepping down.

Another wave of fear bolted through his limbs, he bunched up in a desperate attempt to hide himself, tears swelling up in his angry eyes. He tried to yell, but gagged instead.

She stepped inside his cell, every clack of her heels raising dread in his stomach.

She knelt down beside him, her red nails scratching him as she ran her hand down his cheek. He felt tears welling up in his eyes.

He watched dreadfully as she began to undress. He struggled, trying to get away, but she managed to keep him in place with a single hand on his stomach.

______tw implied rpe

Izuku lay defeated. He felt dirty on a different level. A dirty he couldn't wash away. A mark left on his being that he could never get rid of. His gag had been removed. He felt sick to his stomach as he lay curled up and naked on his side. The cold of the dirty concrete floor sending chills throughout his body.

He was shaking. It was his fault. That's what she had said. It was all his fault. For existing, for his mom being killed, his dad being in jail, getting kidnapped, and in the moment, that.

It was all his fault.

Tears streamed down his dirty face. He had seen things he didn't want to see, heard things he didn't want to hear, and felt things he didn't want to feel.

The door opened again and his eyes widened. He didn't want it again. He wanted it to end. "NO-" he yelled as he curled up a more, trying to protect himself.

"GO AWAY" he yelled, his voice shaky and wavering.

The villain shushed him. "shhhhhhh or I'm gonna have to gag you again." Izuku sat there hiccuping, silent otherwise.

"Oh crap you really are naked." The villain stated.

Izuku hid his head in his knees shamefully. The villain opened the cell and closed the door behind him, every step Izuku tensed more.

"Sooooo I got clothes for you..." The villain said.

Izuku looked up a bit, he saw who he knew as twice. He kept his chest over his knees, hiding himself.

The villain began untying his hands and handed him a plain, slightly greasy, white shirt. Izuku slid it on quickly. Twice then retied his hands. He then untied his feet, handed him his shorts and turned away. Somehow he managed to get them on without his hands.

Izuku was shaking, "thank you." He whispered.

Twice nodded and locked him back in his cell.


/Back at the apartment/

Aizawa had gone back in for Izuku, but he was gone. He had disapeared.

The fire department arrived.

The paramedics arrived.

The police arrived.

Aizawa's head was foggy. He had a headache. Mic was uncouncious.

Izuku was gone.

Aizawa sat defeated in the emergency room. Mic was uncouncious in the hospital bed, hooked up to a heart monitor and an oxygen mask.

He spoke with policemen, who were on the search for Izuku. A detective interrogated Aizawa.

"Are there any people you know who may be angry with him? Possibly a former parent of the sorts. Maybe even the league?" He asked.

Aizawa nodded, "the league." He thought for a minute, "the boms family was his former foster family, he didn't have a good experience with them, specifically Mrs. Boms and their son Gavin." He looked the officer in the eye.

The detective nodded and scribbled something down. He asked a few more questions and then left.

About an 2 hours later, mic woke up with a groan. "Shouto?" Aizawa was at his side, "I'm here." They linked hands. "It's all blurry. Where's Izuku." He said.

"We... Don't know" Aizawa responded slowly. "What?" He was waking up more. "What do you mean." Worry was threaded in his voice.

"You passed out, and I got you out of the apartment first. He was unable to move, he said his vision was blurry and his head was spinning. He couldn't get out by himself. I got you out first and then when I went back he was gone." Aizawa said. "I hope he's okay." Mic nodded in agreement.

"How much longer do we have to stay?" Mic asked, he was clearly worried.

"I'm not sure. Shall I ask?" Aizawa said. Mic nodded.

He stepped out and called a nurse over, "hey, do you know how long he'll have to stay?" He asked blandly. The nurse responded, "it'll be at least overnight. We need to get the co2 out of his lungs." Aizawa nodded, "thank you." And headed back in the room.

"Overnight." He stated. Mic groaned, worried for Izuku. "If he's with the league... Or.. I.. I hope he's okay."

Izuku was not okay.



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