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So sorry.))

-later that night, izuku still is unaware of his father's escape-

Izuku woke up feeling like he was being watched. He glanced at his clock and grabbed his phone, his heart beating out of his chest.


He looked around, seeing nothing, but he couldnt shake off the feeling. He looked down at his phone.

1a groupchat-

Broccoli- anyone awake?

Tsu- me

Broccoli- please talk to me

Broccoli- I just woke up and I feel like im being watched. I cant shake it off.

Tsu- thats not good. Are you sure there is no one?

Broccoli- not that I can see

Tsu- why dont you go wake up Aizawa. I know he wont mind

Broccoli- maybe... But if its nothing I dont wanna bother him.

Tsu- normally you dont wake up for no reason. It'll be okay.

Broccoli- yeah... Ok. I'll go get him. Thanks tsu.


Izuku placed his feet on the ground and pushed his tired body out of bed. Just as he grabbed the door handle he felt a sharp pain in his neck and then a hot sweaty hand around his mouth an nose. All color drained from his face as he tried to pull in a breath.

"Nice to see you again you lying fag"

He felt his heart sink again, he could recognize that voice anywhere.

"Not a word"

He felt a rag being stuffed in his mouth as his father started to restrain his hands.

Izuku panicked, he couldnt let this happen. He shoved his shoulder into the wall, his father going with him and taking a hit. In the shock he managed to break free and grab his phone.


1a groupchat-

Broccoli- gel

Broccoli- p

Broccoli- (÷££is So.


He felt a kick to his back and he doubled over in pain, he reached up to yank the cloth away to scream but the man pushed him to the ground.

"Now noe Izuku~ we cant have you getting away for lying to me can we now?"

His words were laced with artificial sweetness as he whispered the bitter words.

Izuku struggled to get away but his legs and arms started to feel heavier and heavier with every move he made. Soon he was taken out of the house, his body too tired to get away. His mind was fuzzy and his eyelids began to droop.

And then he fainted.

Izuku's kidnapper smiled as he plucked a small needle out of his neck, then he tossed the boy in the back of his white van.


"Check on the balcony!!"

"He's. Not. Here."

"Itll be okay we'll call someone we'll find him."

"Hizashi the news...."

"Oh sh**"


So tea

BNHA chatfic But With Angst And CoronavirusWhere stories live. Discover now