gavin is a ghost in my attic

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Im getting chicken for dinner and taking a shower.  also my parents went to the attic and didnt see gavin so either hes hiding and only comes out at 3am or hes a ghost. ¯\_(シ︎)_/¯

Im giving you advice for this chapter. Dont attack me I need to do things for the plot.


Izuku cried into Mr. Boms shoulder.

"I know what its like to feel the way you do and im gonna try my best to make you feel at home while your here." He said as the two broke the hug.

Izuku smiled a little, wiping his tears.

Mr boms- "so when do you wanna meet up with this boy?"

Izuku- "u-h as soon as possible or whenever works for him.. If thats okay."

Mr. Boms- "I have a half day at work on tuesday, you guys can meet up at a park or something. Does that work?"

Izuku- "ill see if it works for him. Thank you-"

Mr. Boms smiled, no problem.

Izuku nodded a little and headed back to his room. As he headed back he was stopped by somone.

Gavin- "going to talk to your boyfrined? Gay fag" he pushed Izuku back.

Deku- "please stop-"

Gavin- "why should I. Your a sin. Thats what mom always says is that people like you are a disgrace" he pushed him again. "Your going to hell. Your a disgrace. I cant believe I have to live with you." He pushed him again so that he was against the wall.

A tear slid down Izukus face.

Gavin- "how pathetic" he used his quirk to levitate him up and pin him to the wall. "Your just a worthless deku"

Deku- "im sorry-" he struggled to get out of the quirks hold, but couldn't

Gavin- "Your so weak!!" He threw Izuku to the ground and he hit his head on the wall. "Ugh! Just leave me alone you faggot"

Izuku got up and scampered to his room, freaking out. That just happened.

That just happened.

That just happened

Frick that just happened.

He heard a knock on his door before someone walked in.

Mrs Boms- "hey. So sorry about him." She said rather sarcastically.

Izuku- "i-"

Mrs Boms- "its a shame someone as adorable as you is a homo." She said sourly as she run her finger along his jawline.


Mrs. Boms- "maybe I can help you fix that. Your a real cutie you know." She said as she ran the back of her hand down his chest and grabbed onto the bottom of his shirt, pulling up on it.
(As you know i do not write smut so just. Like. Hang in there itll be okay i promise... Everything will be fine.)

Izuku's eyes got wide as he was pushed onto his bed, "stop-" he tried to push her off but she continued to peel his shirt off slowly.

He powered up one for all in his arms and pushed her off, tears in his eyes. The way she had touched his stomach and that look in her eyes. She didnt plan on stopping there..

Mrs. Boms- "come back Izuku" she cooed, starting to pull her own shirt off so that she was in a tanktop.

She tried to get back on him, but he wasnt going to let this happen.  He grabbed his phone and his shirt as she grasped his inner upper thigh. He used his knee to jab the back of her knee, causing her to loose her balance. Once she was off balance he gained his own stance and kicked her off. He stood up dizzily.

"Get out." He demanded.

Mrs. Boms- "Oh come onn"

"GET OUT" He said, his voice strong and angry.

Mrs. Boms smiled greedily and left.

Izuku locked the door before crumbling to the ground in a sobbing mess. He heald his shirt to his bare chest. He pulled at his hair with shaky hands. Nausea bit at his neck and his throat felt tight.

He grabbed his suitcase and rummaged through one of the pockets, pulling out a blade. His chest ached and he felt detatched from himself and his head was spinning.

He held the blade with shaking hands and pressed down, watching as the beads of blood rolled down his arm.

He switched from his left to his right and had about ten on each.

He was so weak.
He was so worthless.
He was a faggot.
He let this happen.
He was barely strong enough to get her off him.

He used the shirt that was sitting in his lap to soak up the blood until it had clotted enough for him to stop.

He grabbed his school backpack, dumping out everything but the school essentials. The school lended laptop a few textbooks, etc. After that he started stuffing in clothes, money, toiletries, and other essentials in with that.

He paused as he heard a knock on his door, "Izuku?" It was Mr. Boms. (Here to save the day.)

I s e e a d i v o r c e i n y o u r f u t u r e

I feel like I'm gonna get attacked for this chapter but i need it for the plot and im low-key terrified to post it. I havnt seen anyone else get attacked for writing worse but it just felt wrong to write. If this offends you in any way I will take it down and rewrite it utll just mess up my plot a little.

Please dont attack me in the comments.

P l e a s e .

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