just sum angst 4 u

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((sjjddnxnmnnfnxnanandnznznsnnsnsnsnsnsnznznzmamaxnnxjsnwbsb himyparentsmademewatchamovieandihonestlyhadagaypanic.))

Izuku sat on the couch, trying to keep his breath steady, one thought in mind and that was 'why'


He started to shake, his hands trembling. He swayed his head side to side. "No. No this cant happen not now..please no." He cried.

His eyes were wide as he started hyperventilating. He shook his hands out.

He grabbed his shirt as he doubled over, tears trickling down his face. His throat felt closed, like he couldnt breath. His stomach was doing summersaults and his vision was blurred. His head spun as he desperatly tried to make it stop.

He felt like he was drowning. Suddenly, he was back there. He was back at home, his dad plunging his head in. Unable to breath. It was so real. Too real. So vivid.

He kept going in and out of these flashbacks for a while. He felt so faint. His ears were ringing and he felt as if he was going to throw up. His chest hurt and it almost felt as if he was choking.

He was paralyzed there. On the ground next to the couch, in what seemed like an infinite whirl pool of vivid flashbacks and horrible memories.

The front door unlatched and Aizawa walked in, in casual clothes. He was not in the best mood. He took off his mask and walked to the living room, on his way to put the mask in the wash, and saw Izuku there on the floor, his breathing shallow and irratic.

Aizawa rushed over, "what happened!?" But he was only answered with sobs.

Aizawa slowly sat him up, "Hey. It'll be over soon." Im here now he stated.

Izuku shook his head a little, trying to breath. "I'm dizzy. I'm really dizzy." He managed to stutter out through sobs.

Aizawa got him a glass of water, "try to match my breathing okay? That always seems to work for you."

Izuku nodded a little before he was engulfed in another painful memory. He shut his eyes tight, leaning over and tugging his hair.

Aizawa- "Izuku!! IZUKU!!" He raised his voice a little to get his attention.

Izuku sat up, fear in his eyes. "Its gonna be okay. Just look at me okay. Match my breathing. Do your best."

Izuku tried, faltering a few times, but calming down eventually.

Aizawa pulled him into a hug, making him sip water every once in a while and they sat in a comfortable silence.

"Do you feel a bit better now?" He asked.

Izuku nodded, "yeah."

Aizawa- "what happened. That was the worst one ive seen from you yet."

Izuku just looked down, "it felt like I was back. The flashbacks were so real and vivid. I couldnt breath- my chest hurt. My fingers were numb and my head was pounding."

Aizawa nodded a bit, "alright. Me and Hizashi have been talking about this for a while now but do you want to see a therapist? We think it could help you a lot."

"You would do that... For me?" Izuku asked curiously

Aizawa nodded with a small smile on his usually bored face.

Izuku attacked him with a hug, "I want to feel better. Thanks for always being here for me dad-"

Izuku gasped at what he had said.

Aizawa chuckled a bit, a fuzzy warm feeling in his chest, "its okay."

Izuku relaxed a little and they broke the hug.

Bzzzt bzzzt

Izuku had forgotten about his phone, he picked it up.

"Online sleepover...?"

BNHA chatfic But With Angst And CoronavirusWhere stories live. Discover now