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Izuku entered the house, his suitcase with his things in tow. Mr and Mrs Boms seemed pretty nice.

The house was a mess. Mrs Boms frowned.

Mr Boms- "dammit. GAVIN"

Izuku flinched at the yelling.

Mrs. Boms- "dont yell." She said quietly to her husband.

Gavin yelled from upstairs, "YEAH DAD"

Mr. Boms- "sorry kid.." He went upstairs to talk to Gavin.

Mrs. Boms- "wanna see your room?" She asked.

Izuku nodded politely.

Mrs. Boms- "follow me!"

Mrs boms led Izuku down the hallway to a room. It was fairly plain with a full bed, a dresser, a desk, and a nightstand with a lamp.

"This is so big!" Izuku marveled.

Mrs. Boms laughed a bit before a big thud came from the other room. Izuku noticably flinched.

Mrs Boms glanced at the door and it closed, "so sorry about that "

The two were alone in the room and suddenly he felt very on edge and anxious, "Mrs. Boms-?" He asked in a shaky voice.

She started to walk towards him a little, not saying a word, but then there was a knock on the door.

Mr Boms- "hey Izuku come meet Gavin!"

Mrs Boms turned around and opened the door. Izuku was left a nervous mess.

Mr Bams- "Izuku you okay?"

Izuku- "uh- y-yeah. Sorry."

Mr Bams- "nothing to be sorry for!! Come meet Gavin!" He said happily

The group walked out and to Gavin. He was a tall and skinny boy with short brown hair. "Hey Im Gavin" he said.

Deku- "I'm Izuku Midoriya. But people call me Deku."

Gavin smirked, "okay deku. Whats your quirk?"

Deku- "Oh uh. Superpower- I can power up my muscles but if I use it too much it breaks my bones."

Gavin- "you got into UA with THAT"

Deku- "yeah..."

Gavin- "ok then." He rolled his eyes a bit.

Mr. Bom- "Gavin be nice."

Gavin- "my quirk is telekenisis. I can move anything at will." He smirked, staring at Izuku and using his quirk.

Izuku was lifted into the air and immediatly started panicking, "no- let me down please-" he pleaded.

Mrs. Bom and Gavin were snickering while Mr. Boms was trying to get him to stop.

Izuku powered up one for all and flicked a finger in thier direction, the windspeed blowing them back so that he dropped to the ground.

"Im sorry-" he wheezed, as that had knocked the wind out of him. He scampered of to the room he was given, absolutely terrified.

He sat there hyperventilating. They hadnt hit him though. He didnt get hurt. He heard Mr. And Mrs. Boms yelling.

'Im already causing problems. I ruin everything.' He thought bitterly.

He had the urge to cut. To slice up his arms. Some way to let the stress out.

He heard a soft knock on his door, "Hey Midoriya its Mr. Boms. Can I come in?"

Izuku slowly unlocked the door so he could come in.

Mr. Boms- "hey im sorry about that."

Izuku shrugged, "its okay. Im sorry I did that I panicked and-"

Mr. Boms- "its okay, I understand. He shouldntve done that. Thats one awesome quirk you have!!"

Izuku nodded a little, smiling a little bit as he thought of all might. He never used his quirk with his parents. They wouldve been enraged for countless reasons.

Mr. Boms- "you hungry?"

Izuku looked at him, "no..."

Mr. Boms- "Okay, dinner will be ready in a little bit is there anything you want?"

Izuku- "im fine with anything." He said.

Mr. Boms- "if you ever need to talk im here to listen okay?" He said kindly, "I know youve been through a lot and I want you to be okay."

Izuku nodded, "I- thanks." He said, cutting off what he was gonna say.

Mr. Boms- "were you gonna say something?"

Izuku nodded, "yeah but its fine."

Mr. Boms- "alright, well if you ever wanna talk im here okay?" He patted him on the back softly.

Mr. Boms seemed nice, but he had this wierd feeling about Mrs. Boms and didnt have a good impression of Gavin.

(Im mass producing chapters because I want to produce major angst there will be alot more chatfic in the future. Cuz i kinda needa vent a little bit about things that I really cant talk to people about so... Triggering content in the future. Yes 👍)

BNHA chatfic But With Angst And CoronavirusWhere stories live. Discover now