the rest of class 1a at the mall, and tea:

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Pikachu- wer dem people

Tsu- there was some drama I think they stayed behind. Maybe they will catch up later kero!


Alienqueen- whywhywhywhywhywhywhy

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Alienqueen- whywhywhywhywhywhywhy



Tsu- do I get a slushy too?

Ururuaka- OFC


(Kirishima) changed (Fireworks) to (bakubro)

Bakubro- lets go to Nike

Kirishima- ehhhehhhHhH


Kirishima- will you buy me a pretzel too? 🥺

Bakubro- ill buy you a pretzel if you go to nike with me.

Kirishima- Deal. See u in .3 minutes

Bakubro- how many minutes is that?????


kirishima- ahahaha


Icyhot- hey guys. Sorry for the delay. We'll be a bit late.

Kirishima- its okay bro!! Thanks for coming still thats so manly!

Icyhot- we are supposed to be using my dads credit card.

Kirishima- that is true.

---before that irl the tea with todo and deku and other people

Izuku locked himself in his bathroom, shaking as he pulled down his sleeves. His phone was buzzing violently and suddenly his all might ring tone started filling the void of silence that was his bathroom. He picked up the phone to Todoroki.

"Hey Midoriya." He said.

"Hi?" Izuku's voice was shaky.

"Are you okay?" Todo asked.

"No. Im not." He responded, frustratedly, sick of putting on a mask all the time.

"Can i come in?" Todo asked

"I guess."

Deku rolled down his sleeves over his scarred arms and opened the door, closing it after Todoroki came in.

Izuku looked down, avoiding eye contact.

"I understand how you feel." Shoto said, breaking the silence.

"I was the result of quirk marriage. My dad abused me and raised me up only for the sake of surpassing all might. I got sad. I hated life and I hated my dad. I hated my fire side because of him. I hurt myself because it made me feel better. My dad would yell and hit me for being weak. But then Aizawa saved me. And im so much better. And I feel better. He helped me remember that there is an end to it. And that happiness is possible, you just have to find the right people." The taller boy rolled up his sleeves to show faint scars, the darker ones from training, but lighter lines lined his wrist. They looked like they may completely fade away eventually.

(Imagine getting this story and your other one mixed up 😍✌)
Aizawa saved todoroki and now he lives away from his dad with his mom. Or somthin. So yeah. ))

Izuku looked up at the boy, locking eyes with him. "You do understand."

Todoroki nodded.

"How- how did you know?"

"Know what?" Todoroki asked.

"About. Home.." Izuku said quietly.

Todoroki's eyes widened, "I- I dont- what- Izuku whats going on at home?"

Deku looked up, "what? Oh its nothing-" he trailed off, looking down to his right.

Todoroki grabbed his shoulders, "Izuku whats going on at home."

Deku stayed quiet.


Deku tensed, "...I cant tell you..." He squeaked out.

Todoroki pulled him into a hug, "its gonna be okay. Your in the dorms now. Your safe from whatever is happening."

"But- I still have dreams and I cant sleep and it doesnt stop. I cant make the dreams stop. Whenever I fall asleep its all back-"

Todoroki tightened his hug, "itll be okay. I'll keep you safe. We will figure something out.."

Mid sentence, the small green haired boy had fallen asleep in Todoroki's arms...


About an hour later deku stirred in Todoroki's arms, waking up.

"Sleep well?" Todoroki smiled.

Deku looked up, and found he was cuddled up to Todoroki. A deep blush spread across his face.

"Uh- yeah- actually." He quickly escaped, flustered.

"So do you still wanna go to the mall?" Todo asked.

Izuku smiled, "yeah I would like that..."


Icyhot: okay we are here. Who wants to go to gucci?

Ururaka- wait actually

Insomniac?- :0

Tsu- 😎 oh yeah

Kirishima- wait fr

Icyhot- yeah. Les go. Meet you guys there.

Pikachu- have yall heard about the coronavirus?

Jiro- what?

Pikachu- people are dying from it or something.

Icyhot- i doubt itll actually turn into anything.

Tsu- todo is right, we shouldnt worry about things that havnt happened yet.


(I drew this on my phone im so sorry

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(I drew this on my phone im so sorry. I swear i can actually draw lmao.)

Icyhot- enjoying your new gucci hats i see.

Ururaka- Gucci and pretzels. I FEEL RICH

Tsu- 🐸

Insomnia?- where's Todoroki? im lost.

Insomnia?- wait one sec



Todoroki- bursts into flames few shops away.


Insomnia?- found him.



Insomnia?- did you guys see the news.

Icyhot- no?

Kirishima- no whats up

Tsu- whats happening?

Insomnia- someone in Japan has the coronavirus.

BNHA chatfic But With Angst And CoronavirusWhere stories live. Discover now