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Trigger warning very angsty.
This is officially going to be a dadzawa story.
Nagito hope therapy is tommarow for everyone who signed up. 😌
uHHh yeah okay.


Izuku stood in the corner, shaking violently as he watched his dad glare at him through the policemen and handcuffs.

He couldnt help but wonder.

'Where is mom?'

Izuku didnt know what was going to happen after this, where was he gonna go? Was he going to stay with his mom?

He sighed at the thought. His mom never hurt him.. But she never helped him or seemed to give a slight care about him. Not that he could see anyways.

He decided to look. He hadnt seen her since he was forced into the sink full of water, and now she was nowhere in sight.

"Mom?" He asked, knocking on the bedroom door. Lots of thing happened there that he didnt know about.

He tried to open it but it was locked.


He went around to his room and climbed onto the roof, he could see through the window of her bedroom, unless the curtains were drawn.

He climbed onto the roof tenderly, keeping his movement soft and steady. He hopped across the small gap of thier apartment complex to get to her window.

And of course the curtains where drawn, but the window wasnt locked.

Izuku pulled up on the old window, getting it open was a bit of a hassle but not too tricky.


He climbed in, pulling back the curtains and gasped, all color draining from his face.

He brought his hand to his mouth, feeling sick as he let out a deep sob. "Momma-"

His mothers lifeless eyes stared back at him as her body gently swung as it hung from the ceiling fan.

Inko Midoriya had commited suicide.

The soft light shown on her pale face as Izukus delicate sobs ricocheted about the mostly empty room.

As wobbled over to the door he spotted a small slip of paper by the knocked over chair. He picked it up, holding it tight in his spare hand, and then unlocked the door, his hand still clenched tightly over his mouth and the other holding the unread note.

His legs were shaking as he opened the door. His teacher was there trying to get in the room when he opened it.

"Midoriya-" he started, then looked into the room, "oh no-"

The small boy's unsteady legs gave out as he let out another sob. Aizawa knelt next to him, slowly closing the door, "shhh its gonna be okay." He said in a soft and suprisingly comforting tone that no one knew Aizawa could manage.

"Im gonna be sick-" Izuku squeaked out through his attempts to stop sobbing. He knew his mother didnt care about him. He knew but she had never hurt him. He had loved her as any kid would thier mother.

Aizawa helped him up, taking him to the bathroom as the small boy continued to sob. He rubbed his back as Izuku lost what little was in his stomach to stress induced nausea.

Izuku felt lost. At least before he had a goal. Dont die, stay alive, hide your secrets. But he felt so lost now.

Where was he gonna go? What was gonna happen to him?

His head was pounding as he lost himself to the rest of the world, his thoughts and unanswered questions pounding at his skull, begging to pour out. But Izuku knew to well how to mask himself, for his classmates, for his teachers.

He was brought back into the harsh reality by his teacher snapping in his face, "here is your phone." He said, handing him his phone back.

"Thanks.." He said quietly.

Aizawa nodded carefully, "you will be staying with us for now, want me to help you grab your things?"

Izuku had never seen Aizawa so soft or caring before, it was a bit shocking. "Yeah- no- Wait- what?"

"Do you want me to help you get some things together?" He asked again calmly.

Izuku nodded a little, "yeah.. I dont have much." He said quietly.

Aizawa nodded, and followed Izuku to his room.

They packed enough for a few nights and left the house.

Izuku was silent the whole car ride back...



BNHA chatfic But With Angst And CoronavirusWhere stories live. Discover now