the boms 🍵

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It was 1:43 am when Mr. Boms got the call. His wife had been missing for weeks now and he had no idea why. He had been left to take care of Gavin by himself.

Since Mrs. Boms had left, Mr. Boms had noticed a significant change in Gavin's behavior. He was less agresive, kinder, more appreciative. He had changed for the better, but he wasn't sure why.

It all made sense when he picked up the call.

Hello, are you Micheal boms?

"Yes, that is me. Who is this?" He asked.

"This is (whatever town this is) police station. Your wife has been found and arrested."

He gasped audibly, "what!? Why!? There must be a mistake!"

"We regret to inform you that your wife has committed multiple crimes including sexual assault, associating and helping villains, and running from the police."

His mouth hung open, "oh- okay..." He was speechless, but for some reason, it made sense.

"That is terrible. I've noticed she has been off, but this is hard to believe, I hope you can understand my disbelief." He said calmly.

"Yes we understand. Thank you for acting calmly and rationally. We need you and your son to come in for questioning tommorow at 10am."

"Okay. Okay. Thank you so much." He hung up the phone, lying back down in bed, restless. He had been thinking about it as their fighting had become more intense as of lately. He was worried about Gavin's well being.

He decided to check in on him. He walked upstairs and creaked open his door, expecting him to be asleep.

Instead, he found the boy sitting up on his bed, sobbing. He was wearing a sweatshirt and sweatpants, he looked up suddenly, "Dad-" he tried to wipe his tears.

"No no no. Bud, what's wrong?" He sat down next to him on the bed, "are you okay?" Gavin let out another sob, "I don't know."

"Is it because me and your mom have been fighting?" He asked. Gavin shrugged, "maybe." Mr. Boms could tell he was holding something back.

"Something else is wrong. If you wanna tell me you can, but if not. No worries. I'll respect that." Mr. Boms said. They waited in silence for a minute before Gavin spoke up, "I don't want mom to come back." He was in tears, "I know it's a horrible thing to say but I don't like her. She says mean things to me when you aren't around. And shes- she's really mean." he said quietly.

Mr. Boms nodded, "she isn't coming back." He said quietly. Gavin looked over, "what?"

"She was arrested." He said, keeping it simple, not wanting to dump too much on Gavin.

Gavin nodded slowly, "not surprised." Mr. Boms raised an eyebrow at that comment.

"Are you going to get a divorce?" Gavin asked carefully. Mr. Boms answered after a moment, "yeah. I think so. It'll be you and me kiddo." Gavin smiled.

"I love you dad." Gavin said, "you know how... You know how Midoriya was here for a little while?" He asked. Mr. Boms nodded, "yeah, what about it?"

"Mom wasn't very nice to him. I wasnt very nice to him..." He said slowly, "mom said being gay was a sin." Mr. Boms nodded, "I don't agree with that. But I couldn't convince her otherwise."

Gavin nodded slowly, "Dad?" He asked. Mr. Boms let out a soft hum.

"I think-" Gavin paused. Mr. Boms looked over to him.

"I think I like boys." Gavin whispered, scared for his reaction. Mr. Boms raised his eyebrows, "thank you for telling me."

"I was really mean to Midoriya about it when I think I was just confused with myself. And I didn't want to... I didn't want to like boys because mom said it was wrong." Gavin said. Mr. Boms nodded, "do you want to apologize to him?" Gavin nodded, "I would hate to be treated like I treated him. Especially after everything that happened to him."

Mr. Boms nodded, "I'm proud of you." He ruffled Gavin's hair a bit. Gavin smiled at him.

((Gavin is still in my attic btw. :l ))



Izuku Midoriya

1:56 am

Hey Midoriya. It's Gavin. I'm on my dad's phone. I really want to apologize for the way I treated you. I know this isn't an excuse but it's an explanation.

I was going through a lot in my own life. I was questioning my own sexuality and I'm sorry I treated you like that. I would never want someone to treat me like I treated you.

You don't need to accept my apology, but I hope we can get along better in the future, assuming we meet again.

Hi Gavin. Thanks for apologizing, I understand why you acted that way. It still hurt me but I am glad you are trying to change. I hope we can get along better in the future as well.

Wow it's really early. Why are you awake? Lolol

Nightmares lolol.

Oh no. I hope ur okay.

Yeah. Me too.

Gn Gavin, tell mr. Boms I say hi

Gn I will


zuku set his phone down next to him, leaning back into their couch. He was sitting next to Aizawa, who was awake with him after his nightmare.

"You doing okay?" Aizawa asked. They were playing a cartoon or something that was on TV at the time, just for background noise. Izuku shook his head, "I'll be okay." He started to scratch at his arm, thinking to himself about things he didn't really want to think about.

Aizawa pulled his hand away, "tell me what's on your mind." He said. Izuku took a deep breath, "I'm really anxious." His hands were shaking, "like not panic attack anxious just like. What if I'm in danger even though I know I'm not anxious." Aizawa nodded knowingly.

"You're okay." Aizawa said. The house shifted and creaked in the wind. Izuku whipped his head around anxiously. He felt adrenaline start to take over.

Aizawa noticed, "hey. Look at me. You're gonna be okay." Izuku nodded slowly, taking a shaky breath. The house creaked again as it started to rain outside. Izuku quickly looked to the window, his whole body shaking.

"Dad-" he said shakily. Aizawa kept his attention on Izuku while Izuku kept his attention on the rain whipping against the window.

"It's just rain it's okay. Look at me." Aizawa said, "it's just a storm. You are safe." Izuku nodded slowly, hesitantly bringing his eyes off the window and onto Aizawa.

Izuku nodded, taking deep breaths. Aizawa smiled at him, "good job."

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