Mrs boms is the 69th chapter

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((get ready 😾✋))
I highkey hate existing 😌😌😌😌😌


Until he looked up and saw her...

Mrs. Boms...

Izuku lost all grip on reality, he was drowning in memories, he felt his fingertips go numb and his teeth buzzing. His head was pounding, drowning out any sounds that he could hear, he heard crying, and it was a few seconds before he realized it was his own voice.

He couldn't breath, he felt his chest ache and his heartbeat go out of control. He felt as if he might pass out.

It only got worse when he heard her voice try to calm him down, and he felt her acrylic nails make thier way up and down his back. He felt a wave of nausea and dizziness overwhelm him. He put a shaky hand to his mouth. He opened his eyes, trying to escape the whirlpool he was trapped in. But he saw her shoes, he looked up and saw her face, eyes filled with lies and false hope, and her oh so artificial look of concern.

Black clouded his vision, he felt like he was going to pass out, he felt his heart rate increase even more as more black clouded his vision. It felt like it had been hours and hours. When would it end.

But it had only been around 3 minutes. He felt a sob shake his thin frame as the black retreated, and nausea and a throbbing ache in his chest took its place.

"Hey" be heard a voice. "Izuku. Can I touch you?" He recognized the voice as Aizawa and managed a nod. He felt himself being lifted up, he grabbed on to Aizawa's scarf and buried his head in it, trying to disapear, to make it all go away.

He gasped for air, still sobbing as his father's steady footsteps carried him somewhere.

He heard 2 pairs of heels and Hizashi following them. He felt himself get laid down on a soft something, probably a couch. His breathing was still way out of control and he was out of it.

He heard her voice again, "I'm the anxiety specialist who works here," she stated, "I may be able to help"

He felt her kneel down beside him, "can I touch you?" She said sweetly. More panic welled up inside him as he tried to sit up, black clouding his vision. He felt those acrylic nails on him again as her metophorically dirty hands dragged him back under.

He heard her talking to him but he was too far gone for it to register. He passed out.


Aizawa was worried. He was not only worried but he was also suspicious. He was onto something. Izuku started panicking when we mentioned her, he seemed to be getting better till she walked in the room. When he had carried him back he had been trembling so bad, he was more than panicking he was terrified.

He would let zashi and Shouta touch him but not Mrs. Boms. She had done something to him. Something bad.

Izuku had come to terms with his father's abuse. He knew he was safe and that normal people don't treat you like that, and that as long as he was with Aizawa and Hizashi he was safe. He had gotten a bit better since the previous time, and now they were back here to start the process again. But he still knew he was safe around his family.

Aizawa had expected him to be a bit anxious about the appointment. But hadn't expected him to be uncomfortable with his helper being a girl.

He was slowly putting the puzzle pieces together. They way he flinched when Mrs. Boms had touched him. The way she tried to get away from her.

His face paled as it dawned on him. His expression didn't change though. He kept a straight face and continued to rub Izuku's hand.

Mrs. Boms had left for her next appointment.

How far did she go? Has he kept quiet about this the whole time? Holy crap is he okay? Does Mr. Boms know about this? What else is she doing? Are thier any other victims.

That day Aizawa swore he would figure this out. He would figure it out if it was the last thing he did...


Kinda proud of this chapter lowkey

uUhhHhh so yeah. I had about 6.7208 mental breakdowns today over school. School sucks. I hate school.

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