some more quality angst

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Aizawa ended the call after Izuku left. Something was going on at home and he might be in danger.



Icyhot- Izu? What happened?

Icyhot- is everything okay?

Broccoli- yeah my parents are just arguing. Im okay :)

Icyhot- are you sure?

Broccoli- yep

Icyhot- please tell the truth

Broccoli- im scared

Broccoli- I dont want my mom to get hurt.

Icyhot- I understand

Icyhot- please talk to me more.

Broccoli- im scared

Icyhot- its okay. I promise it'll be okay.

Icyhot- can I get Aizawa?

Broccoli- he'll take me away from mom.

Icyhot- hey, lets facetime. I wont judge.

Icyhot- I love you and I know you need to feel cared about right now.

Broccoli- [video call]


Izuku was sobbing as he picked up the call.

Todoroki comforted him the best he could.

Todo- "how often do they fight?"

Deku- "whenever moms home mostly."

Todo- "how often is she home?"

Deku- "she comes home on the weekends."

Deku heard something crash and jumped a bit, hearing footsteps come down his hallway.

Deku- "i gotta goO-" he was launched forward as his door burst open and the yelling.

Todoroki could hear as deku had failed to hang up the phone.

"LISTEN HERE YOU LITTLE SH-" todoroki heard yelling.



Todoroki made the mistake of making noise while this all happened.

Todo- "IZU?"

Todoroki heard a voice from dekus line.

"Well well well what do we have here."

And then the call ended.


Aizawa felt that something was wrong, he was in contact with the heroes.

He tried contacting Izuku.


Mr. Aizawa- midoriya please talk to me.

Mr. Aizawa- is everything okay at home?

No answer...


Izukus dad held his phone, "WHO WAS THAT" he yelled.

"Someone from school we were stu-"

"WHY WERE YOU CRYING WITH HIM" he interupted, waving the phone around.

"Please just give it back-" he pleaded, reaching for the phone.

"OH SO ARE YOU HIDING SOMETHING FROM ME?" He screamed. His mother just watched with a blank face.

"No- o-of course not please just give it ba-"

"Whos Icyhot?"

Izuku's stomach overflowed with dread, this wasnt good.

There was a few minutes of silence.

"WHY YOU FA-" His father outburst, raising his hand and landing a hit on Izuku.

(Lots of yelling of gay stuff. Ig idk how to write this stuff because im too closeted to have expirience with yelling gay mean things )

Izuku's dad was fuming, he grabbed Izuku by the collar and dragged him to the sink, filling it up with a evil grin.

Inko midoriya watched with a blank face, unable to move to save her son.

After the sink filled up Hisashi Midoriya shoved his sons head in, holding his head there, not letting Izuku breath.

Hisashi eventually grabbed his sons hair and pulled his head up.

Izuku gasped for air, struggling to escape, which only caused him to go back under.

He needed air and couldnt breath, he struggled desperatly. It felt like his lungs were going to explode, he felt himself starting to pass out as he got pulled up and gasped for breath.

His dad threw him to the floor, kicking him and yelling gay slurs etc. At one point Hisashi pulled off his belt and hit Izuku with it.

By the time his dad was finished he was bleeding and faking unconsciousness on the floor.

He hated doing it, as sometimes it didnt work and he felt so vulnderable, but thankfully this time. His dad laid off.

He limped to his room a few minutes later, closed the door, and let out a heartbreaking sob.

BNHA chatfic But With Angst And CoronavirusWhere stories live. Discover now