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Underground Pro Hero, Eraser Head, critically injured in car wreck with Present Mic!

Reporter: The underground Pro hero, Eraser Head, has been critically injured in a car wreck on _____ street.

In the car with him was pro hero, Present Mic, who did not suffer critical injuries, but is injured and hospitalized.

What's confusing the police is what they found in the other car, let's get an opinion from the chief of police here in (whatever city they live in)

COP- (chief of police)- yes, thank you, Karla. In the other car we found what seems to be remnants of the villain, Twice's quirk, which happens to be the ability to make clones of himself and others with exact measurements, though he never seems to make clones of himself. We have opened a case on it to see if this wasn't such an accident after all.

Reporter: thank you John(probablylolol) now for today's weather.

Izuku shut the TV off, tears streaming down his face, quietly choking back sobs. He grabbed at his hair, sobbing into the thin sheets of the hospital bed.

He layed down on his side, hugging his shoulders and shaking. The door opened and somebody came in.

Suddenly the boy was enveloped in a hug, he looked up, only to see his papa, Hizashi, hugging him. He slowly wrapped his arms around him.

The two hugged in silence for a bit before Mic said something.

"I know you saw what happened, I'm okay and Shouta is gonna be okay. You'll be able to see him soon but we need to get some food in you first."

Izuku wasn't hungry, he was worried and didn't want to eat. He shook his head, "I'm not hungry..."

Mic nodded, a knock came from the door. They both turned, a certain pink friend was peeking through the window.


She smiled a bit through the window and Mic went and opened the door.

"Heya Deku! I heard you were around here and so was I so I was like. Let's go see him! And here I am. I hope this isn't bad timing." She laughed a little.

Deku wiped his tears and sniffled a bit, "maybe a little.." he laughed a bit. "what are you doing here?"

Mina laughed a bit, "I was getting tested for covid. Turns out it was pnumonia (I can't spell♥️) so they kept me in the hospital. How about you?"

"I dunno. I ate something, almost died, and I've been here for who knows how long. It'll probably be longer..." He glanced nervously at the IV pole and the multiple wires and tubes hooked up to his body.

Deku felt a fullness in his face, and before he knew it blood was gushing down his face. "Ah!?" He yelled a bit, giggling as Mina frantically ran around for tissues.

He felt his hands shaking, terrified that this would lead to another (insert what happened in the past) Mic recognized this and held his hand comfortingly, giving him a soft smile. Deku smiled back, feeling the guilt of putting another problem on his papa's shoulders.

He didn't express it aloud though, he kept it inside, leaving it to his overwhelmed brain to deal with it.


He got cleaned up, with Mina's help.

"So deku, why havnt you been on the groupchat?" She asked.

"My phone is at home still...." Deku said quietly. A quiet sigh could be heard from mic.

Mina could sense the uncomfort in the topic and changed the subject. "do you want icecream!? They have an awesome icecream menu here!"

Deku smiled a little, "yeah! Icecream sounds great! Can we get some pops?" He turned to mic.

Mic nodded a bit, " I don't have any money on me..." Mina piped in, "it's okay I'll pay!!" She pulled out two masks from her pocket and put one on, handing the other to Deku, who was only in a hospital gown, while mina was in pajamas.

Deku was still hooked up to a bunch of wires, he looked puzzled on how they were going to get icecream. Mina looked at him with confidence, "Ill be back." She rushed out the door and only a minute later came back with a wheelchair and nurse in tow."

"You really shouldn't be running around mina-" deku could hear the nurse muttering as she was dragged along by mina.

Deku got settled in the wheelchair and they went down to the small icecream parlor they had downstairs.

"Cookies and cream is dad's favorite.." deku thought to himself, his bright smile fading a bit as dread creeped into his eyes.

They got big waffle cones of icecream and rushed back upstairs to take thier masks off and eat them before they could melt.


BNHA chatfic But With Angst And CoronavirusWhere stories live. Discover now