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Mic hopped in the driver's seat after setting Aizawa in the passengers seat, he backed out quickly and started driving. "What hospital?" He asked. He knew he had to be strong, he had to be strong for both his boys.

"The closest one..." Aizawa said.

"Okay. It's gonna be okay. They'll take good care of him." Mic said. Aizawa nodded, it was what he needed to hear.

"Now.. explain to the best of your ability what happened." Mic said.

"We- we were getting food. I gave him the meal I was originally getting for myself... Because he wanted it, even though he tried to give it to me I told him he should have it... I just had some chicken and egg rolls. He was about 3/4ths of the way finished and everything was fine but then he got really pale and ran over to the sink. He threw up. It was really... It looked painful. I thought it might just be food poisoning or a bug, it happens.. but he kept getting sick. He had started to say that his stomach was hurting. He was sobbing. Before I could realize what was happening he was falling asleep. He looked like he would pass out any minute. He was wheezing. I got him some water and I couldn't find my phone. Then there was blood and-" tears were flowing down Aizawa's cheeks.

Hizashi nodded, "he'll be fine. It'll be okay. This isn't your fault."

"But I chose to let him eat it- it should've been me-" Aizawa started.

"No. Shouta this is NOT your fault. It's going to be okay." Hizashi said.

"She- she was there. She- the window-" Aizawa was fumbling over his words, a distressed mess.

"What?" Hizashi asked. "HER MRS. BOMS. SUSAN BOMS WAS THERE." he yelled, rage taking over his voice, "SHE SHATTERED THE GODDAM WINDOW AND BROKE IN. THEN FUCKING LEFT. SHE HAS SOME SHIT TO DO WITH THIS IM GONNA-" Hizashi put his hand on Aizawa's arm, "I'm gonna..." Shouta didn't finish.

"Take a deep breath. We will figure this out..." Hizashi said. Shouta breathed deeply, latching hands with his husband as he found his cool.

Soon the two arrived at the hospital, the two put on thier masks ((👍)) and rushed in, going to the counter and asking what room Izuku Aizawa was in.

"He's in the ICU.. I'm afraid no one can see him at the moment but as soon as he's stable you'll be allowed in, assuming you are his parents." She smiled sympathetically, "I know your stressed, Ill have someone take you to a waiting room and get you some water, make sure you keep your hands clean." She said calmly. Another nurse walked out shortly after and lead them to a dull room with a small mini fridge, some chairs, a few magazines and a fish tank. There were a few other people there.

There was a couple that had worry written all over thier face, though it was hard to see through thier masks you could tell by the gleam in thier eye and the way the woman shook in the man's gentle embrace.

Aizawa and Mic had been quiet. They sat there for a while. Soon.. A new family walked in, one teary eyed mother and a clueless 3 year old.

"Momma why are you sad? Where's sissy?" The small boy asked. "Sissy is hurt but the doctors are gonna take good care of her okay?" She said.

The small boy frowned, then spotted the fish tank, running over with way too much energy for what time it was. It was around 11 now, the poor mother looked exhausted.

Soon the boy got bored of the fish and looked around the rest of the room, his eyes landing on Present Mic, who was still in full hero gear.

"ARE YOU PRESENT MIC!?!?" the boy screamed, getting everyone's attention.

Mic looked up, and smiled, "Thats me kid!!" He said, trying to be cheerful.

The boy ran over, hugging Mics leg and the rebounding off, his energy renewed, "YOUR THE BEST HERO EVER!!!!" He said jumping up and down. Mic and Aizawa smiled, despite thier ever growing worry.

"I have your socks!" He said happily, pointing at his socks, that happened to be merch from the heroes radio show. They were too big for the kid but it was adorable nonetheless.

Mic laughed, "you have my socks!? That's awesome!!" The mother rushed over, "I'm so sorry about him!!" She said exhaustedly. "That's okay! I love meeting the little listeners." Mic ruffled the kids hair.

"Is your big sissy hurt too?" He asked curiously. Mic softened, some hyper energy leaving him, "No my sissy isn't hurt, but my son is really sick." He managed a small smile.

Aizawa was just sitting there, burying his head in his capture scarf, he still had the bloodied shirt on.

"I hope he feels better soon!!" The boy said, not really knowing the weight of these situations. Mic smiled a bit, "me too."

The small boy yawned, the late hours finally catching up to him. His mom scooped him up and thanked the two heroes, wishing them well. And retreated back to the other side of the room.

Aizawa peeled the shirt off his stomach.

"Here. Go change into this." Mic handed him his jacket, "it's more comfortable than it looks." Aizawa took it and headed to the bathroom to change, coming back in the oversized jacket, holding a white and red clump in his hands.

He looked exhausted. They both were. This night had been physically and emotionally draining.

A few more hours passed and the two had nearly fallen asleep. It was nearing 3am now.

A door opened to the room.

"Are the parents of Izuku Aizawa here?"

BNHA chatfic But With Angst And CoronavirusWhere stories live. Discover now