happy pride month everyone.

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Izuku slept. He wanted nothing other than to sleep and sleep and sleep forever. So he didnt have to think. So he didnt have to feel.

He didnt have to cry
He didnt have to see
He didnt have to hear
He didnt have to feel

He just had to sleep. So he did. He just kept sleeping.


It had been a few days and Aizawa was worried to say the least. He was trying his best to help Izuku get settled in and feel comfortable but the kid slept all the time. He barely even ate, only waking up when Aizawa made him.

It was now Sunday night, "Child. Wake up." He shook him lightly.

Izuku groaned, slowly sitting up and running his hands through his greasy hair.

Aizawa- "you gotta shower kid. Go shower and come eat some food."

Izuku nodded in response, "what time is it?" Somehow he had noticable purple bags under his eyes, despite hoe much he slept.

Aizawa- "its 2 in the afternoon."

Izuku nodded and headed off to the bathroom, Aizawa could hear the shower turn on.

He went to make him a sandwhich.

An hour passed and Izuku was still in the shower.

----(izukus side of the story) (i wrote this in 1st person for some reason so uhh here u go ig :))

I was having a nice sleep time when i was pulled out by Aizawa. He told me to shower and eat something, which is fair, so i did. I got up to shower, turning it on so it got nice and steamy. I felt my eyelids drooping and my brain start to wake up, my body coping by shutting down and falling asleep.

I tried to stay awake as I shampooed my curly hair, fighting with the tangled green mess. I sat down in the shower, letting the hot water run down my back and dribble down my lightly freckled shoulders.

I poured some soap into my hands, rubbing them together till thousands of bubbles where crawling on them.

I scrubbed at my stomach and lathered up my shoulders. Thoughts started to form in my head, the bad ones, the ones that made me want to sleep. The ones that made me want to end it all.


I let the searing hot water dribble down my face in place of the tears I could no longer seem to produce.


I tugged at my hair and sleep overcame me once again. It felt nice to surrender to the dark numbness while the burning water trickled down my back, like a permanently warm blanket.


Aizawa knocked on the door, no response.

He went in, for the safety of his child and found him asleep in the shower.

He sighed, turning the shower off and wrapping him in a towel before getting him to wake up.

He shook him lightly, it didnt work and he grabbed mic.

Mic- "LITTLE LISTENER WAKE UP" He used his quirk.

Izuku startled awake, loosing his curled up perch on the toilet seat, "what-?" He asked, startled.

Aizawa- "sorry kid. You fell asleep in the shower. Come eat some food."

Izuku nodded a bit, going to eat his sandwhich.

Aizawa and Mic sat down on thier bed.

Aizawa- "im worried about him. All he does is sleep and he doesnt take care of himself unless we force him to."

Mic- "hey. Itll be okay! We'll help him out. It may take some time but we'll get there."

Aizawa- "should I make him go to class tomarow?"

Mic- "yeah. That'll be good. He can wake up and see his friends. Maybe he'll cheer up a little. It makes me sad to see him so down." He frowned a bit.

Aizawa in the most fucking monotone state ever.... Puts his pointer fingers on Hisashi's cheeks and tugs to make a smile.

Also once again in the most fucking monotone voice ever...

" a frown looks bad on you."

Mic just burst into a small giggle fit as Aizawa got up to go make sure Midoriya was eating and not sleeping.

Like dayum he loved sleep but this kid was on the next level.

BNHA chatfic But With Angst And CoronavirusWhere stories live. Discover now