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Periodt. Anyways onto the story.

(Also enjoy my watari cosplay for all my lovely readers who have watched or read your lie in april.)


The call hung up

Todoroki panicked, immediatly texting Aizawa, who was already trying to get in contact with him.


Icyhot- mr aizawa

Mr aizawa- yes

Icyhot- I was on video call with Izuku. Is parents are fighting. I think he may be in danger

Mr. Aizawa- i am aware.

Mr. Aizawa- trying to get in contact now.

Icyhot- hes offline, his dad hung up the call.

Mr. Aizawa- dam

Icyhot- will he be okay?



Izuku let out a heartbreaking sob

He picked up his phone with shaky hands, his wet hair dripping onto his shirt. His lip was bust open and bleeding, he had a bloody nose, several wounds on his torso, arms, and upper legs.

He had limited movement, his walk was a limp. He couldnt go to online class like this.


Mr. Aizawa- Midoriya, is everything okay at home?

Mr. Aizawa- Midoriya?

Broccoli- sry i fell asleep. Didnt sleep well. My parents are fighting, its okay.

Mr. Aizawa- are you safe at home?

Broccoli- yeah

- the last thing Izuku wanted was his father angrier at him than he already was. He couldnt tell. For his own pride and for his own health.-

Mr. Aizawa- do you feel safe at home? I know they sound like the same question but they are different.

Broccoli- I guess.

Mr. Aizawa- so no?

Broccoli- not really. Please dont take me away, my mom will leave for work soon and they will stop fighting.

Mr. Aizawa- are you being hurt at home?

Broccoli- no

Mr. Aizawa- are you sure? Im a pro hero, dont think you can get out that easily.

Broccoli- im sure.

Mr. Aizawa- care to explain the flinching when people raise thier hands to high five you or anything like that.

Broccoli- Well Kachaan hits me a bunch so I guess Im just timid 😅

Mr. Aizawa- i will be sending someone over to your house to check up on you.

Broccoli- like who?

Mr. Aizawa- a policeman or pro hero.

Broccoli- oh okay.

Mr. Aizawa- Ill see if Mic can take a stop by.

Broccoli- sure. Everything is okag

Broccoli- *okay

Mr. Aizawa- Todoroki told me your dad was being rather violent. Are you aure your telling me the truth?

Broccoli- he was just in a mood everything is fine.

Mr. Aizawa- send me a picture of your face you have 1 minute. It must be a new picture. Timer starts now.

Broccoli- ejvdnsvs why



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Mr. Aizawa- thats an old photo. Someone will be over soon.

Broccoli- please no

Mr. Aizawa- why?

Broccoli- my dad gets mad sometimes thats all. He's worried about the virus and its getting on his nerves. I think hes a bit on edge and the last thing he would want is someone to give one of us the sickness. So please, i promise its all fine.

-deku was sobbing at this point, he would be in so much trouble.-

Mr. Aizawa- its protocol, someone has to check.

Broccoli- mk


Izuku sat there, sobbing, trying to keep it quiet but it was hard.

BNHA chatfic But With Angst And CoronavirusWhere stories live. Discover now