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Aizawa explained the situation to Mic, an eery feeling crawling up his throat and ringing in his ears. A bad vibe in the air, something was wrong.

His phone pinged and he picked it up.

From Problem Child- thanks for being an awesome teacher.

He felt his heart sink as he realized what was about to happen. He knew all too well. He had been there. He knew how it felt.

He couldnt let someone else feel that way too.

Hisashi noticed the color drain from his husband's face, "Shou-? Are you okay?"

Aizawa's heart pounded as his muscles moved by themselves, "Crap problem child-" he said as he dashed out the door.

He pulled out his phone as he scanned the rooftops.

Dms- Icyhot, Mr. Aizawa

Mr. Aizawa- send me Midoriyas location now

Icyhot- i dont know where he is!? Did you get a text too?

Mr. Aizawa- yes

Mr. Aizawa- Snapchat

Icyhot- (location)

Icyhot- HES-

Mr. Aizawa- its fonna be ok dont panic

Mr. Aizawa is offline.


Aizawa jumped from roof to roof, adrenaline pumping through his veins and giving his legs extra energy.

He sprinted, seeing the boy begin to climb over the edge.

Almost there

The wind blew and the waves got choppier. If the height didnt kill him he would drown.

Go faster

The boy leaned forward.

Go faster.

He began to fall, "KID NO-" He screamed as he lost sight of him.

He made it to the spot and threw his scarf over the edge, capturing the kid and tugging him up.

Once he was up and safe Aizawa pulled him into a hug, "Kid... Why?"

The only answer he recieved was a sob.

Aizawa- "hey. Its gonna be okay. Im here now."

Izu- "its not okay."

Aizawa- "im gonna help you be okay."

Izu- "please i dont wanna go back."

Aizawa- "go back where?"

Izu- "to the Boms."

Aizawa- "you dont have to." He said, a smile showing in his voice.

Izu- "what..?"

Aizawa- "your getting adopted."

Izuku let out more tears into his shoulder, grabbing his black shirt. He didnt say anything.

Aizawa- "oh. I probably shouldve specified this. We're adopting you."

Deku looked up, tears littering his freckled cheeks, "you are?"

Aizawa smiled, "yeah. And we are gonna help you feel better okay?"

He nodded a bit in response, hiccuping.

Aizawa let him sit down and catch his breath, "why Midoriya?" He said calmly.

Izuku buried his head in between his knees, "I dont wanna talk about it." He mumbled.

Aizawa nodded a little, "thats okay." He rubbed circles on the boy's back. A grumble of thunder sweapt through the air, lightning illuminating the golden clouds. The sun was setting.

Izuku tried to discreetly hide the note but Aizawa cought it. "Hey. Can i have it? I wont read it if you dont want me to."

Izuku nodded a little, handing him the note. He looks so... Tired. Exhausted even. He looked so not himself. Not the bubbly happy boy everyone was used to. He knew now that the Midoriya he and everyone else had known previously was just the shell of who he really was.


Izuku put his head back down as he sat with Aizawa on the rough, damp pavement on the side of the bridge. His vision was focusing and unfocusing rapidly, his eyelids barely staying up. He had dark circles under his eyes.

Sleep was welcoming, no thinking and no feeling. Just the fear of nightmares and the shaky thought of vulnerability before.

Izuku felt his body go limp as he fell over, truly exhausted, too weak to keep fighting for conciousness.


Aizawa watched as Izuku fell over. His heartbeat rose a bit, wondering if he did something before to ensure his suicide was completed even if something such as this happened, but as he checked his pulse and breathing he realized the poor boy had just fallen asleep.

Aizawa stuck the note in his pocked and slid the boys shoes in his bag. He picked up the boy and carried him like a toddler, the bag over his other shoulder.

He quickly realized that he had a fucking husband who was ready to help him and he was not about to walk 5 miles across town with an asleep 150 pound kid and his equally as heavy backpack.

Aizawa took out his phone.

Ring ring

Mic- "is he okay!? What happened?"

Shou- "hes fine. Can u pick us up? Ill send u the location."

Mic- "sure. Does he need medical?"

Shou- "nothing he needs to go to the hospital for."

Mic- "aight send location ill be there as soon as i can. Luv u bbby"

Shou- "love you too."

Mic- "muah"

Shou- "bye."

Call ended


The car ride back was a comfortable silence as Izuku's soft snores filled the car while he slept peacefully in the backseat.

To be continued...

BNHA chatfic But With Angst And CoronavirusWhere stories live. Discover now