sTaGe 2

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((I hate jumin so much))

Aizawa got a call from an unknown number, and picked it up.

"Hello?" He asked.

?- "hello is this Shoto Aizawa?"

Aizawa- "yes... Who is this?"

?- "this is ___ hospital, we are calling to let you know that the counselor you had recently become in touch with is in critical condition."

Aizawa- "what!? What happened?"

Hospital- "we aren't quite sure yet, we think it was some kind of poisoning or a severe allergic reaction. She was partially concious and made us promise to call you."

Aizawa- "did she try to say anything specific?"

Hospital- "she said her co-workers name before falling back unconscious. She hasn't woken up again yet."

Aizawa- "what was the co-workers name?"

Hospital- "Mrs. Boms."

Aizawa- "okay thank you. Take good care of her. I need to go."

Hospital- "bye, have a nice day."

The hospital worker sounded tired and defeated, but Aizawa had new energy sprouting in him.

He didn't know what was happening but something was up.

He went to double check and lock all the windows and doors, before going in his laptop to grade papers. Hizashi was out doing hero work so it was just him and Izuku in the apartment.

He had this feeling of unease growing inside him, spreading throughout his insides and burrowing under his skin. He didn't like this, not one bit.


Izuku sat in his room, he woke up feeling uneasy that day, it had settled in his stomach and he didn't like it one bit.

He had been texting Todoroki all morning, somehow the other boy always knew how to make him smile.

He missed hugs and kisses and was by all means touch starved. He slept with multiple blankets and pillows, longing just to have a cuddle buddy. He missed Shoto, but they couldn't meet up.

Everyone's anxiety grew more and more as the cases went up. Thankfully no one in class 1A had fallen sick yet, there had been a few close calls though.

1a groupchat-

Iida- I cannot BELIEVE that you all keep changing your names. It's immature and hard to keep track of!

Denki- well that's because your never on here. They make sense 😾

Denki changed denki to PIKAPIKA

PIKAPIKA- they make sense 😾

Iida- you all are impossible

PIKAPIKA changed Iida to sonic

Sonic- I'm not sonic!!

Sonic changed sonic to Iida

PIKAPIKA- yes you are 😾

PIKAPIKA changed Iida to gottagofast

Gottagofast- I'm done


Mina- yall-

Mina- @all

Todoroki- what?

Midoriya- yes?

BNHA chatfic But With Angst And CoronavirusWhere stories live. Discover now