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Izuku woke up to a burning light, etching dark spots into his eyelids. His mind was foggy. He noticed a mask over his face and reached up to touch it, pain coursing through his body and settling in his shoulders and hips.

He felt a hand grasp his and he tensed up, a wave of memories flushing across his eyes. His heart rate picked up and the beeping in the room increased.

"Kid your safe now. It's your dad. It's Aizawa. Your safe now."

He heard a voice say. He relaxed a little, but as he woke up he was ever more aware of the loose hospital gown and the cold thin sheets of the adjustable bed. He reached to touch his neck, biting his lip as his breath cought. He didn't want to be seen like this.

He pulled the gown up over his collarbones, every movement exhausting. Aizawa put his hand on the boys shoulder, Izuku glanced to the side only to see his Dads' puffy faces. Why had he worried them like this. It was all his fault they had cried. That they had worried.

"I'm sorry" he mumbled out, tears cought in his throat.

"No no no no no. Don't be sorry it's not your fault, can I touch you?" Aizawa asked, trying to comfort him. Izuku nodded a little and let Aizawa run his hands through his greasy hair.

"It's not your fault. None of this is. Don't be sorry." Aizawa said, mic rubbed Izuku's hand, avoiding the IV.

"I wanna go home." He was growing ever more uncomfortable with his scars showing and with the deep purple spots around his neck visible and with the bruises on his hips and thighs from the course concrete leaking out on his skin from under the sheets and his scabbed knuckles showing the extent he had to go to just to make it through.

Aizawa took off his extra jacket and slid it over Izuku's shoulders. Izuku managed a smile, the gratitude showing most in his eyes. "I'm so happy your alive." Mic said, teary eyed.

Izuku could say otherwise.

The bruises on his lower hips said otherwise.

The scars said otherwise.

The dark purple littering his upper half said otherwise.

The tears gathering in his eyes once again denied it all.

But he just nodded and heald it all in.

As he woke up he began to remember more and more. And more. And more. And the more he remembered the quieter he became. The less he wanted to talk. The more he wanted to get out of there. He hated it, he felt so vulnerable in the dead center of the empty white room. He couldn't sleep, he wasn't willing to eat, he barely wanted to talk.

Every part of him ached. As the day passed the pain in his stomach became more intense. Later another nurse came in, "good afternoon Midoriya. How is your stomach doing, are you feeling any pain?" The nurse sat his bed up a little bit and he winced, she patiently waited for an answer.

She smiled softly at him, "can you show me on your fingers what the pain level in your stomach is?" Izuku raised his shaky hands, showing a total of 8 fingers and then putting them down.

The nurse nodded, "okay, we'll have that fixed soon. Your healing up quite well!" She smiled and walked off to go grab something.

"Kid. Kid. Kid." Aizawa was snapping to the front of him, he hadn't even realized he had zoned out. "hm." He questioned absentmindedly, slowly looking over at him, noticing the worry written into his features and the nurse from a few seconds ago was back.

Izuku stared back at them anxiously, "are you okay Izuku?" Mic asked, "you just stared at the wall for like 5 minutes straight." The nurse also looked concerned, "we couldn't get your attention." She said. Izuku shook his head, "oh." He couldn't manage much more, he hadn't spoken more than a few words at a time since he woke up.

"Tired." He said softly, the words slipping of his lips. Aizawa and Mic nodded, so did the nurse, but she had deeper concerns for the boy.

"Do you wanna take a nap?" Aizawa offered, "we'll be here the whole time." Fear flooded Izuku's eyes. "it's not dark right now, it's light out and it'll be light in the room, we won't leave your side, okay?" Izuku nodded a little, he could tell he needed rest. Eventually he drifted off, his hand resting in Aizawa's.

About an hour later Izuku's hand twitched and his face gradually contorted into that of pain. Aizawa squeezed his hand a bit, "wake up, it's a nightmare." He shook him by the shoulder a bit, "wake up, it's just a dream."

Izuku was back at the base, Mrs. Boms on top of him, he struggled as she leaned closer, but before she reached his face he was back on the roof, climbing over to his mom's bedroom. He saw her swinging from the ceiling fan and the note. Then he was back in the Boms household, the word faggot ricocheting in the room. Then he was back in the quirk proof room again, the wound on his stomach about to be ripped open worse by Mrs. Boms. Just as she was about to do it he jerked awake, popping up into a sitting position, excruciating pain tore through his nerves from his stomach. He didn't realize how hard he was squeezing Aizawa's hand.

He was hyperventilating, his vision in and out of focus. He shook his head as he looked around.

"Kid, look at me. Your safe. Your in a hospital and your safe." Aizawa said. "Not safe." Izuku slowly wrapped his arms around himself, resting his hands on the opposite shoulders so they crossed in front of him.

He shuddered as memories ran through his head, the shake settling in his hands. "Izuku listen to me, your safe right now. I'm here and mic is here and your gonna be okay. Can I hug you?" He asked. Izuku looked at him for a second before slowly nodding and letting Aizawa hug him, "I'm scared" the fragile minded boy whispered as he gripped onto one of Aizawa's arms.

Mic was on the other side, rubbing one of his hands. A nurse came in, "is he okay for visitors right now?" He asked. Aizawa looked to Izuku, "who?" He asked. "All Might!" He smiled a little. Izuku's eyes widened and he tensed up a little. He didn't answer. Aizawa responded for him, an answer that Izuku was satisfied with, "tell him to wait a few minutes and then I'll come down first." The nurse nodded and left the room.

Aizawa turned to the boy, "do you wanna see him?" He asked.

Izuku teared up, "I don't want him to see me." It was the longest sentence he had said all day. Mic sprung up suddenly, startling Izuku a little, "I am so sorry I just remembered that I asked him to grab us some clothes from the apartment, can I run down real quick?"

Izuku hadn't uncovered his front. Aizawa thought it might be helpful to add, "He saved you from there. He fell through the floor, I'm not sure if you remember." Izuku shook his head, he didn't. A tear slipped down his cheek. He was ashamed. The one he admired so much had found him in such a vulnerable and weak state. "I'm sorry." He didn't know why he apologized.

Aizawa was puzzled and just rubbed his back lightly, "if I let you change into some pajamas or something first do you wanna see him?" Izuku nodded slowly, "yes, I miss him." Aizawa smiled a little.

Mic ended up running down to get the clothes and Aizawa helped Izuku change into some All Might Pajamas and get settled back into bed.

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