shsgzhshsh pt 2

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((y'all I'm brewing with ideas but I highkey don't know what path I wanna take 😼 because I really don't wanna write what I may have to write or even include it really but like ... Hhhhh)) wEll sEE

On call~~~~~~~~~~~~~((yesidohatemyselfthanksforasking))

Todo- what's wrong?

Midoriya broke into tears, "the whole world is crumbling around me and I don't know what to do."

"Hey hey it's gonna be okay, talk to me."
Todoroki said softly.

"She- she- was there." He was nearly sobbing now. "she was there."

"What? Shhh it's okay.. who was there?"  Todoroki asked.

A soft knock came from Izuku's door and he stared, "c-come in." He stuttered out.

Aizawa entered the room, immediately going to hug the kid. He needed to know if his suspicions were true. They needed to talk.

He couldn't help if he didn't know what happened.

Izuku said his farewells to Todoroki and let himself feel safe in his dad's arms. "Izuku I need to ask you a question... It might be hard for you and that's okay but please do your best to answer."

Izuku nodded a bit and the two broke a hug.

"What did Mrs. Boms do to you." He said plainly.

Izuku's face paled, "sh.. she- ... She tr-" his voice gave out. Was this his fault? Would his dad be mad?

Aizawa looked at him, like he could see right through everything. "whatever happened it's gonna be okay, I won't be mad, I promise."

Izuku nodded, tears starting to stream down his face heavier. "she tried to- uh... She..." Izuku wasnt comfortable. Talking about it felt so wrong. The way she had grabbed him, how she had removed his shirt.

"It's okay, I won't judge.. just tell it to me straight.. okay?" Aizawa said calmly, his monotone voice was calming, but laced with worry.

"She tried to.. do that with me. But I - I kicked her off before she- could do anything.." izuku stated, tears rolling down his face.

Aizawa was horrified and relieved all at the same time. He pulled the kid into a hug, a few tears slipping down his own cheeks. How could he let this happen? And he had been keeping it to himself this whole time....

"You don't wanna go back there do you. I'm so sorry, I didn't have any idea until we were there." Aizawa stated, "I'm glad your not hurt. You are so brave Izuku." He wiped a tear off the boys face with his thumb.

"Your gonna be a great hero someday you know that? There are so many people that your gonna help. I know it's hard right now but never give up. You are the bravest kid I've ever met and I'm so glad that he's my son." Aizawa stated.

Izuku broke into more tears, his hands shaking as he was engulfed in another hug. Halfway through thier crying fits Hizashi brought in pancakes and joined in on the moment.


They were onto her. And she had to do something about it.

She was going to get away with this, no matter how many people died while she tried...


Well I just did that enjoy a cliffhanger kinda 😼😼😼😼😼

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