my thumb may actually be broken

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You cant tell me they aren't the same person. Because they are. Next up.

My thumb may be broken joining colorguard was a really dumb idea.

3rd up. I told one person, you know who you are 😌, about a new story I've been working on. I have a few chapters done but none published. I'm going to finish up my current bnha fics first though. So please look forward to that!! Now on with the story 😌😌😌😌


Time skip to the next day because the author is a lazy butt.

Izuku had gone home with Aizawa and Mic, on the outside he seemed to be doing okay. But on the inside he was falling apart completely and it would only be a matter of time before the thin mask he had put over himself shattered and he fell apart.

1a groupchat----

Pikachu- dangit who changed the name back

Sonic- that was me. The name was in- appropriate and immature.



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Pikachu- hii bbyyyy

Hot man- im sitting next to him his camera roll is so scary. I need bleach

Shit queen- 👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️

Broccoli- I've been traumatized more than before.

Icyhot- iejdjshaovd

Bakubro- what's up bitches.

Babyshark- >:( not me right?

Bakubro- yes you

Bakubro- ur my bitch

Babyshark- 😳👉👈🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

Bakubro- >;)

Shit queen- (ノ≧∇≦)ノ ミ ┻━┻

Broccoli- 💅✨

Pikachu- awe shit


Hot man- nope.

Pikachu- 😭😭😭😭 why

Hot man- ur just mine 🥺✌️

Pikachu- 🥺👉👈

Broccoli- I'm lonely where's sho :(

Broccoli- @icyhot

Broccoli- 😭

Bakubro- lonely ass mutherfuker

Sonic- language!!

Broccoli- ihaatttteexissstingggggggg. X

Hot man- you okay?

Broccoli has deleted a message.. X

Hot man- bro.

Hot man- bro really are you ok

Pikachu- deku???

Broccoli- I'm fine 😊👍

Hot man- i don't think that...

Broccoli- don't worry please I'm all good

Hot man- ....

Dms- hot man, Aizawa

Hot man- hey I think Izuku is having a hard time. Is he doing okay?

Aizawa- he's in his room right now. He seems to be alright. He'll be starting up with a therapist tomarow.

Hot man- okay, thank you. Is there any way I can help?

Aizawa- just be nice to him for now, since we aren't together we can't do much else.

Hot man- okay! Thanks Aizawa


Izuku sat in his room on his bed. His hands were shaking as he pulled the pillow closer to himself. He felt awful.

He'd been holding a blade in his hands this whole time. He stumbled to his bathroom and locked the door, rolling up his pant leg and pushing down on top of old scars. He watched the blood puddle up before waterfalling down the side of his thigh. He was relieved, the physical pain letting him escape the violent ocean that was his mind.

He heard a knock on his bedroom door. And stood up quickly, immediately getting dizzy and tumbling down onto the counter. He heard the door open and the locked doorknob shake. A concerned Aizawa called out to him, "Izuku!! Are you okay?"

"I'm okay..." He said, but his voice came out shakier than he thought it would.

"Izuku... Your lying. I wasnt born yesterday. Let me come in and help."

Izuku slowly unlocked the door and sat back down, but not before he slid the blade in his back pocket.

Aizawa opened the door. "Izuku.. next time please talk to me. First of all give me the blade."

Izuku shakily reached into his back pocket and handed it over to him. Then Aizawa wrapped up his thigh with gauze.

After they finished Aizawa pulled him into a hug, "you have a counseling session tomorrow.. but if you wanna talk to me or mic about anything we are happy to listen. Ok? Come to us and we will help.."

Izuku nodded a little bit, "I wanna open up but... I can't i feel all awful and sometimes I remember stuff that I don't want to... And then it hurts and I start to panic..."

Aizawa nodded and listened as Izuku more or less tried to explain what was going on in his head.

"What did he do to you...?" Aizawa asked hesitantly. Izuku tensed up.

"Well he... He-"


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