angstangstangst x69

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((Im bored with the book I have now because it has deprived me of good angst for too long so I'm just going to write more✨))

1a gc--


Todoroki- it's been three hours and he hasn't texted me.

Ochaco- what?

Todoroki- deku promised he would text me after dinner and it's been three hours.

Ochaco- maybe he just forgot?

Todoroki- he wouldn't... He's never forgotten a promise before...

Ochaco- maybe he fell asleep!! I'm sure he's okay. He's with Aizawa.

Todoroki- maybe. I'm really worried.

Ochaco- it'll probably be okay! Don't worry. He's in good hands :)

Todoroki- I'll try my best.



Mrs. Boms had an associate at the Chinese place. A good friend actually. The two were partners in crime.

Mrs. Boms called, after doing some extensive internet searching... Stalking as some people would put it, but she just needed ✨information✨

"I'm going to drop something off. Put it in the food for your next order. Don't ask questions." She said to her friend over the phone, who quickly agreed.

((✨I should have done more research in advance but it's fine I'll make it work

Mrs. Boms dropped a partially filled water bottle of slightly opaque, white liquid off and then left.

FlAsH bAcK ovER


Izuku was sleepy. He was sleepy and his stomach hurt like all living heck. He found it hard to breath, his head was spinning.

His throat felt like it was on fire and he felt more sobs escaping him.

"Shhh shhh don't worry it's gonna be fine." He heard a voice say. It was Mr. Aizawa. It was his dad.

He felt a cool glass get pushed into his hand. He looked at it blearily, "drink some. Your gonna be dehydrated. Where is my FUCKING PHONE"

Aizawa was panicking.

Izuku sipped on the water, downing about half the glass before throwing up again, this time blood came up with it.

((✨I did my research ✨))

"Holy shit."

Aizawa was at the boys side and was panicking he COULDNT FIND HIS PHONE.

Izuku sobbed as drool dribbled down his chin, "Dad it hurts." He wheezed out, "I know. I'm trying. Fuck fuck fuck. Where-" Aizawa spotted Izuku's phone in his back pocket. Just as he was about to hit the ✨emergency call button✨ there was a loud bang and the sound of glass shattering from the other room.

Izuku flinched, his hands traveling over his head.

Aizawa froze, quietly picked up Izuku from his spot and moved them behind the counter, instead of Izuku sitting on top he was now sitting on the floor.

Izuku was wheezing. Aizawa peeked over the wall and out walked none other than Mrs. Boms, holding a small hand gun.

Aizawa's dry eyes widened. Why the fuck was she here. What the heck is going on.

Aizawa grabbed his capture weapon from the hook on the wall close by and stood up, wielding it carefully.

"Your- your supposed to be-" Mrs. Boms stuttered out, shocked that he was standing. "How-" Mrs. Boms then realized that Izuku had eaten the Chinese food instead of Aizawa.

She dashed back out, but at this point, Aizawa knew that Izuku's life may be on the line, and leaned down to the boy who was sitting there silent, tears rolling down his cheeks and blood dripping down his chin.

Aizawa dialed the emergency number, trying to explain what was happening. He was close to tears at this point, inwardly beating himself up. He was a hero. He was supposed to be strong.

He kneeled by the boys side while waiting for people to get here. "just stay awake. Don't falls asleep."

Izuku felt a bead of sweat roll down his arm, his throat was burning and his chest hurt. He couldn't breath and his stomach was cramping worse than it ever had before. Everything was blurry.

"I wanna sleep.." he whispered.

"No no don't sleep. Stay awake. People are gonna come help. Just stay- stay awake."

Izuku took a shallow breath, "tell me about All Might, stay awake and tell me about all might." Aizawa tried.

"Throat. Burns." Izuku wheezed out.

Aizawa could hear sirens approaching and getting louder.

"Should I move him to the ambulance?" He asked the 911 receiver.

"Yes do that, the sooner he gets there the better."

Aizawa placed the phone in his pocket, and picked up Izuku. The sudden movement didn't take well to the boys stomach and a concerning amount of blood spilled down the front of the boy and down Aizawa's shoulder.

A small sob escaped the boy as he mouthed, "sorry"

Aizawa shook his head, "it's okay. Your gonna be okay. It's okay. Everything will be fine just don't fall asleep."

Izuku was trying, but everything felt surreal. The pain was immense and every second felt like hours.

Aizawa flung open the door and carried the boy down 2 flights of stairs and out to where the ambulance was pulling in.

Izuku blinked slowly, weakly grabbing onto the fabric of Aizawa's tshirt. His eyes were barely open.

Aizawa watched as the paramedics strapped him in and put an oxygen mask on his face. He didn't get in, there were too many people doing too many things and not enough space.

Aizawa watched as the ambulance pulled away.

He then collapsed on the sidewalk, tears rolling down his face. He felt so weak. So pitiful. So embarrassed.

A car pulled up and he buried himself deeper into his scarf, trying to disapear.
Worry and guilt was piling up inside him and pouring out his eyes.

He felt warm arms around him, "baby what's wrong?" He asked. It was dark out, around 10:25 pm. Aizawa hiccuped, "izu is on his way to the hospital. He- he got sick. I don't know what happened." He pulled at his hair.

Hizashi detached his husband's hands from his hair, "they'll take good care of him. Let's go, you can explain what you know on the way.."

BNHA chatfic But With Angst And CoronavirusWhere stories live. Discover now