deku gets on tv

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((Broken ankles.))


Ururaka called out.


He responded.

"Head over quick!! Theres something down the alleyway."

The two ran over...

Lets back track to the morning of though.

Izuku woke up to the smell of chocolate chip pancakes and smiled.

"Papa is making pancakes..."

He was nervous but excited for the day to come. Maybe he would get to save someone..! His therapist had helped him calm his nerves about the situation and given him healthy coping mechanisms to use instead of self harm.

He got up and got ready, combing his hair and getting dressed. He ate a good breakfast with a smile.

But nothing good lasts forever.

Now back to the patrol....

"Deku come quick!!" Ururaka called.

She stood there, her costume ripped and her arm bleeding standing in front of a copy of herself. Before they knew it all around them had erupted in smoldering blue flames.

The smoke was already getting the two, but Deku made sure to keep an eye on the real Uravity, they could switch out at any time and he had to keep on guard.

"Uravity, are you badly injured?" His heart was beating wildly.

"No! It stings but I can handle it!" She called back as the blue flames roared higher.

"We gotta get out of here!!" He said.

"I dont think so!" Toga whined as she went to stab Izuku. He dodged, narrowly missing her. 

"Come on Toga how did you fuck this up too. All you have to do is get a good amount of his blood." Dabi complained from somewhere in the flame.

He looked back over at his teammate, Uravity.

Then a thought crossed his mind. Did they switch when he was distracted?

He felt a searing pain in his back, "CRAP" he yelled, quickly turning around and kicking her away before she could get enough blood.

She transformed back as she took the blow. He spotted the real Uravity and grabbed her close.

"ONE FOR ALL... 5%!!!" He yelled as he launched an attack at the ground. The wind temporarily cleared the flame and he lept out, getting Ururaka away from the flame.

Spotting Dabi unarmed and unprotected as well as unaware while he tried to figure out where his flames went.

He attacked from behind, quickly restraining him and lept to restrain Toga, who was struggling in the middle.

Soon enough he had the two in his grasp and he yelled, "URAVITY CALL FOR BACKUP!!"

Soon enough there were several people there. Including Eraser Head, Present Mic, and the press.

Apparently capturing two delinquents from the league of villains was a big deal.

The press surrounded the two students, causing them, one more than the other, to seem uncomfortable, anxious, and more or less claustraphobic.

The two got on the news that day.


The footage was live.

And everyone saw as the two villains melted to mush in thier handcuffs. They were only mere copies made by twice, another villain in the league.

This only caused the press to get worse, swarming the two, mostly Izuku who had done the majority of the job on his own.

Eraser Head stepped in, "im sorry but the patrol is over now leave."

Most of them left and the ones who tried to stay got a harsh glaring at from the underground hero.

What they didnt know was that someone had received information today...

That no one wanted him to know..

BNHA chatfic But With Angst And CoronavirusWhere stories live. Discover now