New family

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(Jeez as of 12:00 tonight i will officially be a highschooler- that is actually so terrifying-)
(I need to vent through this story rn but the STORYLINE IS. NOT. LETTING. ME. UGH)

Dms- Icyhot, Broccoli
5:30 am

Broccoli- hi

Icyhot- hey ❤

Icyhot- you doing okay?

Broccoli- no

Broccoli- im so scared

Icyhot- of what?

Broccoli-  foster care

Broccoli- what if they- dont like me

Broccoli- and are like my dad

Broccoli- or my mom

Broccoli- what do i do then

Icyhot- hey hey its gonna be ok

Icyhot- i promise

Icyhot- everything will work out.

Broccoli- thank you.

Broccoli- ❤

Icyhot- ❤


Eventually Izuku and Aizawa left for the meeting, Mic was out on hero work.
(Sorry if this isnt accurate I, suprisingly, cant find alot of information on how this works exactly)

They had decided to meet up at an Olive Garden about half an hour away from Aizawa's place.

Izuku had been fairly quiet all morning, his head filled with various thoughts of death and other negative things.

He had the urge to cut, he wanted to cry. He wanted to scream and shout and cry and punch something but he couldnt. So he tapped and tapped and tapped his finger. Anxiety bit at him as small pellets of rain smacked the windsheild.

Aizawa- "a bit stormy today huh."

Izuku- "huh? Oh.  Yeah."

Aizawa- "whats on your mind."

Izuku- "I'm nervous."

Aizawa side eyed him, keeping his eyes on the road, "theres more than that."

Izuku was suprised, "am I really that easy to read!?" He thought before realizing he said it outloud.

A small grumble of thunder echoed through the busy streets.

Aizawa frowned a bit, "what else is going on?"

Izuku- " its nothing." The last thing he wanted was his teacher to know.

Aizawa- he narrowed his eyes a bit, turning his attention to the intersection.

"Are you thinking about suicide?" He asked blandly, but izuku's reaction could tell him everything.

Izuku stared at him, slightly shocked.
"" He was tense.

Aizawa nodded a bit, he could tell that kids head was stuffed with anxiety and the urge to get rid of it all.

Izuku curled up in the seat, nervous to meet the new people.

Aizawa and Izuku arrived first, getting a table as Izuku nommed on a breadstick.

Eventually the couple arrived,  they seemed nice. Laid back, respectable.

Aizawa- "Midoriya this is Mr. And Mrs. Boms (idk ok)

(Im sleep deprived stop judging my decisions)

Deku waved shyly, "hello, nice to meet you."

They shook hands and Izuku went back to eating his breadstick.

Eventually they got into a casual conversation. Izuku thought they seemed nice enough.

"We have a son at home, im sure you two will become quick friends." Mrs. Boms said kindly.

Midoriya nodded a bit, "what is his name?"

Mr boms- "his name is gavin"
(Frik staying on line with the original japanese culture amiright his name is GAVIN)

Midoriya nodded, "cool."

They seemed nice but what if they turn on me. What id gavin isnt nice.

What if

What if

What if

Aizawa- "kid- kid!" He snapped in the greenettes face as he intensely stared at his breadstick.

Deku- "huh?"

Aizawa- "are you ready to go?"

Deku- "Oh. Yeah." He said bluntly as he felt himself getting more anxious.


After a small drive

They were finally "home"

BNHA chatfic But With Angst And CoronavirusWhere stories live. Discover now