a box? oh what is it? ANOTHER DOSE OF GOOD OLD ANGST

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(I'm showering because i have nothing else to do and also i havnt showered in a week. I made my popsocket into 707. Anyways onto the storyyy)


Aizawa called Midoriya, forcing the pick up because heroes have access to fun hacker stuff and can do stuff like that probably. Maybe aizawa just works for the FBI.

Who knows (:

He heard yelling and hitting. He was recording the conversation and this was enough reason that something was terribly wrong.

Once he heard things start to escalate even more and decided it was a good time to head over, knowing if he said anything he would loose more evidence. And we all know, probably from judge judy, that any evidence can and will be used against the person who did the bad thing in court.

Im not a court master (monokuma) idk!!

Aizawa headed over, quickly. He called Mic as well...

Ring ring ring

Aizawa hopped and did cool parkour things while waiting for him to pick up.

Mic- heyo

Shou- hey. I'm going over to problem childs house. Somethings wrong. I may need you to take my class tomarow.

Mic- oh- is he okay!?

Shou- I dunno but im here. I'll call you later hopefully

Mic- hopefull-

Call ended


Aizawa didnt bother knocking on the door. He shouldered the door causing it to break.

The yelling he heard inside before had gone silent as the small family stared at him.

He looked at the small green haired boy who he knew as his student. He looked like he hadnt slept in days. His hands were behind his back tied with a belt and his usual fluffy green hair was now a dark, almost black, wet, mop on his head, his bangs dripping water down his face. He was gasping for air, choking back sobs.

Aizawa stared, a menacing glare on his face as he overlooked the family.

The dad was holding his struggling son in front of a sink full of water and the mother was no where in sight.

"What the hell is going on here!?" He asked angrily.

Hisashi stared, angry and shocked, but didnt attack knowing that would raise any charges that he got.

"I ASKED WHATS GOING ON HERE." Aizawa yelled, furious someone would do such a thing yo HIS STUDENT.

Izuku flinched as he heard his teacher yell, he coughed a bit, still gasping for air and trying not to cry.

Aizawa lept into action, restraining Hisashi with his scarf and freeing Izuku, who just cowered away, shaking in his soaked and bloodied clothing.

Aizawa pulled out his phone.

Ring ring ring

Mic- is everything okay?

Aizawa- no. I need you over here with the police

Mic- shit okay im on my way.

Call ended

Soon enough the police were there and Hisashi Midoriya was taken to jail.

But Inko Midoriya...

Was no where to be found...


Y'all. I got shit planned. Yall are gonna need some nagito hope therapy after what i got planned.

Comment here to sign up for nagito hope therapy-->

Thank you have a wonderful day

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