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Izuku woke up, startling awake and nearly knocking a worried aizawa in the face with his untamed green mop of damp curly hair.

He was sweaty and had begun to cry in his sleep.

Aizawa- "hey. Kid. Look at me. Its gonna be okay calm down your okay."

Midoriya looked at his teacher, trying to hold in deep sobs and failing miserably, "I- I can't." He said in between sobs.

Hisashi walked in the room and sat next to him, rubbing circles on his back.

Izuku wiped his eyes after calming down a bit.

Aizawa- "what's got you stressed kid?"

Izuku stayed quiet for a while, "I had a nightmare... And-" he sighed, trying to release some of the tension cought up in him.

Aizawa watched as thier cat, Yoda, hopped up onto Izuku's lap, he smiled a bit as Izuku visibly untensed.

Izuku calmly stroked the cat on the head and cracked a small smile when it curled up on his lap, enjoying his comforting pets.

"The nightmare was a bunch of stuff that had already happened. A replay of memories and stuff kinda."

Aizawa nodded a bit, "I understand. Youve been through alot, some of it I dont even know. But we want to help you. Will you join the zoom call tomarow?"

Izuku nodded a little, "yeah. If i wanna be a good hero.... I have to get past this."

Aizawa nodded, "good job. We've got your back."

Izuku nodded, yawning, "can I help with dinner?"

Hisashi nodded, "yes you can! You know how to make noodles?"

Izuku shook is hand from side to side, in an, "eh" fashion, "kinda?" He yawned again. "I'm so tired but I dont wanna sleep so much anymore... I have to.. (Yawn) get past it."

Hisashi smiled proudly at the tired kid.

The two went on making dinner for a bit and eventually started to finish up. Izuku was positioned at the sink, washing measuring cups and such. Hisashi started to walk up behind him to place a dirty bowl in the sink.

Quicker than you could say, "all might" the small green haired boy had his back to the sink and his arms over his head.

Hisashi stood there confused as Izuku's head spun, trying to make his scared body believe that he was safe. "S-sorry-" he mumbled a bit through hitched breaths.

Hisashi kneeled down, "is everything okay?" Izuku didnt answer, just sat there shaking, mumbling apologies.

Hisashi- "little listener. Its okay. Im here to help." He reached his hand out to rub the boys unruly curls, but the boy flinched away at the movement, mumbling another apology.

'shouta is much better at this than me. ' he thought.

Mic- "do you want me to get Shouta?"

The boy shook his head, and started to explain in a shaky voice, "sorry- no- I just. I got scared that you were gonna.. Like- do what dad used to do. " he paused to clear his throat a little, "and I knee you wouldnt do it but I just- reacted.. Im sorry if it offends you. I dint mean it."

Hisashi sat down next to him, "its okay. We are all making an effort to help you get better."


Ok so kinda a filler please comment what you would like to happen next becauseEEeEEEE yeah I dont wanna think or plan plot pftttttttttt I'm on vacation sOoOOOO comment what you want to seee....


:D uh yeah gn fam 😌💅✨
I'll incorperate more chat into this chatfic later btw. 

BNHA chatfic But With Angst And CoronavirusWhere stories live. Discover now