Foster Care

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Shouta and Mic were in the living room having a discussion.

Mic- "I know that we've never really talked about this seriously. But.. What if.. I dunno what if we adopted him"

Aizawa- "you know how hard it would be to raise a kid Hizashi, especially with both of us working full time. Plus as much as I want him to be safe I dont think I want kids yet."

Mic- "come onnn itll be like raising a cat with... More emotions."

Aizawa- "..." He thought hard as he stroked thier pet cat,

Aizawa- "lets think about it. He may meet a family through foster care that is much better equipped to take care of him." He said in a plain voice

Mic- "fine but I-"

There was a loud thunk from Midoriya's room and the two heroes were at the doorway in a split second

Aizawa- "Problem Child are you okay?"

The two heroes found the kid fresh awake with his quirk powered up and a dent in the headboard of the bed. The greenette sat there hyperventilating, his hands shaking.

Shouto was over there helping him fast than you could say Eraser Head. "Kid. Kid." He said, snapping his hands in front of his face until he got his students attention. "Your okay. Everything is okay. Try to match my breathing." Izuku tried his best to match his breathing and in a few minutes everyone was a bit calmer.

"Okay, what happened?" Aizawa asked calmly. "I- I had a dream.. A bad dream." The smaller boy said nervously.

"Do you wanna talk about it? It might help to get it off your chest." Aizawa said calmly again, he was better at comfort than he thought.

"I- i guess." He mumbled. "It was dark and- I heard footsteps and then I started running and My mom was there and then my dad had me and-" Izuku hiccuped, unaware that he had started to cry. He was pulled into another hug my Aizawa, "your safe now and we'll find you a good home."

Izuku nodded a little, "where am I gonna go..?" He asked hesitantly.

"Well until we find someone who wants to take care of you.. Foster Care." He sighed, "I know it sounds scary but you can always contact us or your friends if you need anything."

Izuku nodded a little. Aizawa cought Mic's eye as if to say. ..

'Im not gonna give in I dont know if we are ready for this yet chill out omg'

tHe neXt dAy
Well more like 4am

Dms- icyhot, broccoli

Broccoli- r u up

Icyhot- no

Broccoli- oh sorry

Icyhot- im joking, whats up?

Broccoli- cant sleep

Icyhot- :(

Icyhot- wanna talk until you feel tired?

Broccoli- I guess so.

Broccoli- Can we call? I wanna hear your voice and see your face.

Broccoli- i miss u

Icyhot- sure

Icyhot- i miss you too 💕

---video call

"H-##&#&# hear me?"

Todo- it glitched for a minute but yes, i can here you

Deku- oh good

Todo- why cant I see u

Deku- i have my camera off

Todo- why? I wanna see you

Deku- im a mess

Todo- I dont care

Deku- jsbsjdbkfhsksbdn fine

--camera on--

Todoroki felt his heart drop as he examined the amount of injuries the smaller boy had.

"I love you," he stated

Deku- "I love you too.."

"..what if i cant go to UA after this.." He sniffled

Todo- "why wouldnt you be able to?"

Deku- "i-  im going into foster care. "

Todo- "Izu i- "

Deku- "I'm scared."

Todo- "I wish I could meet you somwhere"

Deku- "me too"

He yawned, "im sleepy."

Todo- "want me to hang up?"

Deku- "no... Please stay"

Todo- "okay."

After a few minutes the two fell asleep...

BNHA chatfic But With Angst And CoronavirusWhere stories live. Discover now