chapter 17: Nabi

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A/N: *no note*

Eunwoo POV:

After telling me she needed to go get something from her locker, I nodded and continued to talk with everybody else.

10 minutes passed and I noticed that she still wasn't back.

Did something happen? Is she okay?

I got up and told Sanha that I needed to go somewhere for a short while and went straight to where Jin-ae was supposed to be at.

Class was gonna start anytime soon, where was she?

Finally I found her and made my way towards her.

While walking towards her, I noticed her feet.

They were shuffling a bit in an awkward and uncomfortable way, her hand draped down with clothes in it while her other hand was slowly rubbing her arm.


I thought.

I saw her backing up a bit in a not too noticeable way as well as her head movement trying to avoid whoever that was' eye contact.

looking away and avoiding eye contact, backing herself up from the person, awkward shuffling.

I calmly made my way towards her and smiled towards the man before softly putting my arm around Jin-ae's shoulders, making my presence known.

He's not wearing the school uniform, is he a student here or..?

Me- "Are you okay? What's taking you so long?"

I ask, trying to calm her down a bit. Letting her know it's me. Her once tense body slowly loosens up and calms down.

Jin-ae- "Just.. talking to someone"

She responded in a small voice.

??- "Oh, sorry, I'll introduce myself. I'm Jihoon, Sujin's older brother. I'm just here to ask her to give the gym clothes to Sujin since she forgot. Don't worry, don't need to be so protective"

He laughed.

The last part slightly caught me off guard.

Protective.. ? was I?

Sujin had a brother? The more you know

I have a small bow towards him, softly taking my arm off of Jin-ae's shoulders.

Me- "I'm Cha Eunwoo, Jin-ae's friend"

I said while returning the greeting with a small smile

Ji-hoon- "So you're Eunwoo? I've heard a bit about you"

He mentioned, making me raise my eye brows in confusion.

Me- "How.. Exactly?"

Ji-hoon- "My sister"


Ji-hoon- "Are you close with my sister?"

He asked.

Me- "Uhm.. not really? I only met her last week so I don't really know much about her, sorry"

Ji-hoon- "Oh no, don't need to apologize, I figured you did cus she talks about you all the ti-"

??- "Yah oppa!"

A voice yelled while quickly walking towards us, we all turn our heads and see an embarrassed looking Sujin coming our way.

Jin-ae- "And here comes the baboon"

She whispers, I snort but try to keep my face straight as Sujin finally reaches where we are.

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