Chapter - 10 Nightmare

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Avneet had nightmares. It was her PTSD. She knew it. But she couldn't let herself to go to a psychiatrist. 'I've more important works to do than this.' she thought. Her medicines let her sleep but she would wake up with a jerk every night sweating and breathing heavily. She was getting exhausted from this. Everyday she would try and ignore these nightmares. But she was getting mentally drained.

~one week later~
Avneet and Siddharth had fallen into a routine. They would start the day with Sid making breakfast and Avneet trying to help him. After breakfast Avneet will go and bring her laptop downstairs. She will wear her glasses and get drowned in her works.

Siddharth would check the security throughout. He had made a call to Aman about his new ideas. Aman immediately brought every equipment regarding Siddharth's plan within a few hours. Siddharth started to make plans. He knew the one who attacked Avneet are upto something. Aman had enemies. He was a politician for God's sake. Now his biggest threat was The Vermas. Shashank Verma to be exact. And he wasn't a good man. Siddharth wasn't a fool. He was trying his best to give Avneet proper safety. So far nothing happened.

Every morning after doing her works, she would go to her garden and water her plants. Siddharth would be on his balcony and watch her. He felt weird with her. He knew whatever he assumed about her wasn't correct. She was a different woman. She wasn't like the other clients of his. Female clients. They would throw themselves at him. He felt disgusted with those women. He had a mother and a sister (Vaishnavi). He respected them very much. But those woman made Siddharth loath them. Sid was rich. He did this job because it challenges him. All the women he had to face because of his mother's emotional blackmailing were gold diggers. He rolled his eyes thinking about those memories. He focused on the woman who had dared to find her way to his head without even trying. 'I shouldn't let her get to me like this. I need to focus on my job.' he sighed and went inside unwillingly.

That night after dinner. Avneet washed the dishes all by herself. Siddharth tried to help her but she shooed him away. She wanted to be helpful. Siddharth left shaking his head muttering a good night to her. She also replied smilingly. But she knew, it would be far from a good night for her.

"Mam, I want to be like you when I get older." five year old Aditi said smiling like widely. Avneet smiled at her.

"Really?" she asked. She nodded her head vigorously. She laughed and ruffled her hair.

"She really likes you." said Shreya. Her collogue. Avneet felt her heart would burst from the happiness she was feeling at the moment. Avneet looked at her and smiled.

"I'm blessed to hav-" she was cut short.


Fire. Smoke. Everywhere. She coughed hard. Eyes watering. She got up from her position looking for someone frantically.

"Aditi!! Aditi!! Sherya!! Where are you?!!" she screamed. Tears flowing from her eyes. She was panicking. She didn't know what to do. Everyone around her was running. Some hitting her on their why but never looking back.

"Aditi!! Adi-" she cut herself when she noticed a small figure laying on the road. She ran towards the person. She was horrified looking at the child. It was Aditi. Laying on her pool of blood. Her little body laying lifeless on think pavement. Avneet cried out loud shaking her.

"Aditi!! Aditi beta! Wake up please!" she cried shaking her. But got no response. She was crying uncontrollably. Then she noticed another body laying at a distance. Avneet ran to him/her. Wanting to help.

Shreya. She was laying. Eyes open. But glassy. She wasn't looking at anything. She couldn't. She was dead. Avneet fell to the ground next to her. Crying uncontrollably.

"Shreya please! Wake up!!" she cried hysterically.

"Avneet! Avneet, wake up! It's just a nightmare." Siddharth shook her. He was almost on the verge of panicking.

He was sleeping. Suddenly he heard Avneet crying. He heard her saying 'No! Please no....... Don't......I'm sorry.' saying to someone. He jumped up. Took his gun. And went to her room silently. Her room was locked. He kicked it open. His eyes almost bulged out of their place seeing her. She was shaking badly. Crying. In her sleep. He rushed toward the bed and sat next to her. He shook her.

Avneet woke up with a jerk. She was still crying shaking.

"All my fault. They are dead. All my fault." she said quietly. Siddharth's eyes widen. He never thought someone so strong like her could be facing something like this. She looked broken. He shook his head.

"It was just a nightmare Anveet." he said softly. Avneet's head turned towards him.

"I killed them." she said. Her voice cracking. Tears flowing down her eyes. He got closer to her.

"No, Avneet. You didn't. No one was injured that day. You're okay. They are okay." he said wiping her eyes. There was something in his eyes that made her want to believe him. She closed her eyes still crying. Shaking her head. She laid her head on his shoulder. He froze. Eyes wide. The tingles shooting inside his system. He closed his eyes taking a deep breath.

"They are okay." she mumbled. He knew she was tired. He had so many questions to ask. But he let her sleep. She needed that. He would talk to her tomorrow. He sat silently letting her fall into a deep slumber. Her head still on his shoulder. He could feel all the sparks and tingles running through his veins. It was soothing and comforting. He felt his body relaxing slowly. He was also feeling drowsy. He shook his head. 'Not here. She needs a good sleep.' he sighed. He turned his face to her. Her eyes closed. Puffy. Breathing soundly. Nose red. Cheeks pink. Lips red. 'She is breathtaking.' he thought watching her face with so much adoration that he thought his heart would burst. He broke out of his trance after sometime. 'Not again.' he sighed closing his eyes. He carefully got a hold of her head. Slowly putting her on the bed. He covered her with the comforter. His hands went to her face on it's own. He wanted to caresse her cheeks. He traced his fingers on her face but not touching her. He dropped his hands when he realised what he was doing. He exhaled closing his eyes. 'Get a god damn grip!' he thought angrily. With that he left the room.

Hey guys!
Here is chapter ten. I hope you like it.

Aww poor Avneet had to face so much alone. Don't worry everything will get better soon.

Did you like the worried Siddharth?

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Love ya'll❤️


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