Chapter - 41 Change Of Plans

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"Where are we going?" Avneet asked looking around. He was walking for 5 minutes. He was still carrying her no matter how many times she told him to let her walk, he wouldn't let her.

"You'll see soon." He said with a lopsided grin. Avneet rolled her eyes and dropped her head in the crook of his neck. She closed her eyes and inhaled his scent. It was soothing. Siddharth tightened his grip on her. He could carry her all day and he wouldn't mind at all. She was so light that he was almost certain she was underweight. He kept walking looking around.

And then he found it. It was a car for them. He grinned victoriously and looked at Avneet only to find her asleep with an adorable pout on her lips. He couldn't hold back his smile. He didn't want to wake her up right now. It would be nice to see her reaction.

He walked near it and found someone was standing leaning back on it. He didn't know the person but recognised his organisation by the batch attached to his front pocket. As soon as the man saw Siddharth approaching, he straightened up and stood with his hands clasped behind his back formally. He was a junior in the field. But he was flabbergasted seeing his senior carrying a woman. Though he didn't dare to voice his question.

Siddharth knew he was here to hand over the car. He was thankful that Avneet was asleep or he would have to answer her million unavoidable questions.

"Sir." The man saluted him as he reached near him. Siddharth nodded in his direction.

"Keys," Siddharth said in a hushed voice. The man immediately handed him the keys. Siddharth unlocked the car and went to the other side of the car and opened the door. He slowly placed a sleeping Avneet there. He took the seatbelt and locked it into place before standing straight and closing the door.

He rounded around the car to face the man. Who was standing looking in his direction.

"Did they arrive for cleaning up?" Siddharth asked. The man replied by nodding his head.

"Yes, sir. They are already working over there." He replied. Siddharth nodded to himself.

"Make sure to leave nothing there. No evidence." Siddharth said.

"Of course, sir." The man replied. Siddharth noticed he wanted to ask something as his arms flexed nervously and he looked quite a few times back to the car.

"She saw the whole thing," Siddharth said clearing his confusion. The man widened his eyes. A commoner seeing these type of things were traumatizing. He looked back at the car with a sympathetic look. Siddharth raised an eyebrow at his actions.

"You go and supervise their work. I'll call soon." Siddharth said catching his attention. The man nodded hastily. He was a nervous wreck. He knew Siddharth's reputation. He never saw him in person. He wanted to make a good impression in front of him. He saluted him once again before turning on his heels.

"What is your code?" Siddharth asked after thinking something. The man stopped abruptly. He turned around looking surprised.

"A-39." He replied. Siddharth nodded to himself. The codes were used formally. Everyone had their own code given by the agency. This was only used on missions.

"Okay. You can go now." Siddharth said. The man nodded once and walked away from them.

Siddharth opened the car door and sat in the driver seat. He looked at Avneet who was sleeping peacefully. He started the car and turned the ac on for her. He had to wake her up. Because they needed a plan before going.

"Avneet?" He called softly. She stirred and shuffled in her seat before getting comfortable again. Siddharth shook his head smiling to himself. Caressed her cheek with his thumb.

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