Chapter - 32 New Mission

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Avneet stayed in her room all morning. Siddharth felt anxious. He was seated patiently on the couch. The TV was on but his attention was elsewhere. He had looked uncountable times over her room expecting the door to open up. But every time he was disappointed. He was really concerned about her. 'Why is she suddenly behaving like this? She is so closed off with me. It makes me feel weird. I want her to talk with me. I can't handle her sadness.' He thought closing his eyes with a sigh and plopping his head back to rest on the couch.

He tried thinking of ways to get her back like before. He wanted her to be happy. He thought of many ways but every time he came of short. After brainstorming lots of ways he finally got a plan. He opened his eyes immediately and smiled at nothing in particular. 'This could actually work.' He thought hopefully.

When it was lunchtime Siddharth was almost nervous about the whole thing he planned. He was continuously looking over his watch and glancing at her door. When he was confirmed about she will not be coming outside he sighed and went over to her door. He stood in front of her door. He took a deep breath and knocked. He could hear some commotions inside her room before the door was opened. There she was looking sleepy and half-closed eyes. She rubbed her eyes and looked up at him confusedly.

"I...uhm... Let's go out?..... For lunch?" He stammered with faint pink cheeks scratching the back of his head awkwardly. She looked at him for a second and quickly looked down with shifting on her legs uncomfortably.

"I-I...can we not? Please?" She asked as politely as possible. His face fell considerably. He bit his lip and nodded slowly. His mind screaming at him to comfort her.

"I-I just want to stay here and rest." She added quickly not wanting to make him sad. Her heart aching to get closer to him. He gulped and looked at her.

"It's fine. We can order food." He said forcing out a smile. She hesitantly nodded her head clutching on the door handle. He turned around and walked away. She immediately closed her door and leaned her back on it. She clutched her chest over her heart to calm it down. 'I'll have to go outside for lunch. I can't ignore him like this totally. He is my bodyguard.' She thought taking in a shaky breath. She went to the washroom and freshened up. She tied her hair up in a messy bun and walked out of her room.

Siddharth was pleasantly surprised when he saw her coming to the living room. He had just received their lunch. He thought she would eat her lunch inside her bedroom but she proved him wrong. Both sat and ate their lunch in complete silence. He would glance towards her often. She was looking down at her plate the whole time. Not once she looked up at him. It made him upset. He didn't utter a word though. He wouldn't dare to make her uncomfortable in his presence.

After the remarkable silent lunch, she went back to her room forcing a smile on her face directed to him in acknowledgement. He too returned the gesture though she wouldn't look into his eyes. He sighed closing his eyes when he heard her door being shut. He sat on the couch disappointed. He knew he needed to work hard on this.' Something is definitely wrong. She seems so different. She was never like this before. She wouldn't even look at me in the eye. I need to get to the root of the problem.' He thought determined. He can't feel helpless. He had a new mission on his hand.

Next day~

Siddharth woke up early today. He felt hopeful today. He had planned a few things. Hopefully, he can lighten up her mood. He freshened up and took a relaxing shower. Yesterday was the same as before. She didn't walk out of her room. They had dinner in silence. And she returned to her room. He sighed sadly remembering her dull eyes. Her face void of any kind of happiness that scared him. He wanted to make her smile. Even if he needs to harm himself in the process, he would do it without any hesitation. He got out of the bathroom wearing fresh and comfortable clothes. He went to the living room and sat on a chair typing on his phone. He took out his special phone and dialled on it. He waited for a moment before it was answer.

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