Chapter - 58 Trapped?

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🚫Violence Warning🚫

This chapter contains abusive behaviour.
You have been warned.


Avneet's indifferent facade cracked. For a concerning minute, she thought her heart stopped beating and her face paled significantly. She clutched on the rope which was digging on her wrist tightly. She was scratching at it to the point of breaking her fingernails. She didn't care about hurting herself. All she wanted was to escape from this whole ordeal.

Mr Verma's eyes gleamed maliciously. He loved to see hope crumbling down in people’s faces. He took joy in crushing people and their life.

"S-sex s-slave?" her voice wavered as she looked back and forth in his eyes to find anything humorous. She was waiting for him to laugh suddenly and say it was a joke. A sick joke. He slowly stood straight and looked at her shocked self.

"Yes, your buyers are ready to pay a hefty amount for you." he mused walking to the table and leaned his back against it. Taking a few sips of alcohol and enjoying the view of Avneet's hopelessness. He ran his fingers through his nicely styled greying hair.

"W-why?" she croaked out as she looked at the ground. Her world was spinning. She fell right into his trap. She bit her lip to force herself not to cry.

"Why you ask? Well, they approached me first. I was, in the beginning, against it of course." he defended himself with a firm nod.

"But the amount they offered was hard to say no to. I'm sure you'll understand." he gave her a twisted smile. She lifted her face to glare at him with pure hatred. She could see that he was, in fact, finding the whole situation very entertaining.

"Why are you doing this? What will you gain from this?" she asked with a shaken voice? Her heart was breaking for herself. She couldn't believe her ears. 'How can this man be so heartless?' She thought numbly. She wanted to know why was he doing something so horrible.

Mr Verma's eyes blazed with pure anger. He straightened his back and towered over her. He glared down at her, mouth twisting downwards with disgust.

"To take my well overdue revenge!" he spat angrily, dropping the gentleman act. "Your father took everything away from me! My money. My position. My underground business. Every. Fucking. Thing." he flipped over like a switch and hissed in anger. His eyes and face turned red. He glared at her weakening figure from where he stood.

"You think I didn’t know? How he was slowly stealing my trusted men for himself? How he collected evidence from many of my close business partners? How he wanted to trap me?!" he yelled out waving his hands through the air frustratedly.

She flinched at his tone but he didn’t care to notice. But she felt a cold shiver running down her spine. She knew he was right. She didn’t know how to feel. She knew Mr Verma will get exposed whether she was alive or not but now that he knew about it, she didn’t know what to do anymore.

"And you thought you'll be able to fool me, girl? That boyfriend of yours. Do you think I didn’t dig into his background? It was a really good move you know." he laughed humorlessly. She felt her blood run cold. Her body trembled in fright. 'He knew! Oh God! Protect my Siddharth from him please!' She prayed as her eyes blurred with tears. She didn’t know how much longer she could act strong.

"Lost your voice, miss Kaur?" he taunted in a sing a song voice. Avneet's jaw clenched. She felt weak. She fell right into his trap. He can do anything he wanted to. He knew everything.

"Speaking of your boyfriend..." he started with a sick smirk. His eyes gleamed slyly. "Let's see what he's up to, shall we?" he asked turning to the only monitor in the old room.

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