Chapter - 61 Appalled

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Siddharth's eyebrows shot up hearing the doctor's words. 'What..? Fiance? What is he saying?' he thought confusedly. He glanced at Avneet who was avoiding his eyes and to his surprise, she was blushing furiously. His eyes widened when he realised which scheme she played to come here. His lips formed an amused smirk.

Avneet couldn't even look at his eyes. She felt really embarrassed. 'Why the heck did I have to say that?!' she mentally screamed at herself. The way her cheeks were heating up, she knew she was most probably looking like a tomato.

She wanted to shrink and hide from the knowing look of the doctor and the teasing gaze of Siddharth.

"Yes," Siddharth said with a soft chuckle as he wrapped his uninjured arm around her shoulders and pulled Avneet flush against his chest. Avneet snapped her gaze to him in surprise only to find him looking at her fondly. "She is," he finished giving her forehead a loving kiss.

Avneet's heart fluttered. It felt so good hearing that from him. She flushed red, cocooning herself against him. Siddharth grinned so widely, it was infectious to the doctor too. Doctor Amir smiled back looking at the loving couple admiringly.

"You should know, your fiance here, hasn't slept a wink after getting here last night," the doctor said pointedly at Avneet. Siddharth's smile dropped instantly. Avneet grimaced, realising she was about to be scolded.

"What..?" Siddharth asked flabbergasted. 'She hasn't slept from last night?' he asked himself dumbly. He looked at her in confusion but seeing the guilty look at her face his gaze turned accusing. He only noticed the tired worn out look of her. The way her little body kept leaning against him, searching for comfort, he knew instantly that doctor Amir was right.

"You haven't slept since last night?! Are you crazy? You needed to rest too!" he scolded seeming concerned. Avneet smiled sheepishly.

"I couldn't sleep. Sorry," she mumbled out fiddling with her fingers. Siddharth sighed and glanced at the chair she was sitting on. He grimaced knowing it would be highly uncomfortable for her to sleep on it.

"Why didn't you go home? You could've slept easily over there." he pointed out shaking his head. He felt guilty knowing she didn't take any rest after having such a bad day. She gave him a bewildered look.

"Are you serious? You wanted me to leave you here? All alone? Never." she scoffed at the end rolling her eyes. 'Did he hit his head anywhere? Why would I leave him alone here knowing he doesn't have anyone by his side?' she was genuinely confused at his question.

"Besides, I can't just leave without knowing you're okay. I wouldn't be able to realx even for a little while at home, let alone sleeping," she muttered unknowingly, drawing circles over his forearm which was wrapped around her shoulders.

Siddharth's arm tightened around her shoulders. The heart monitor attached with him which was beeping at a steady pace, increased its speed hearing her. He felt emotional at the moment realising someone out there was genuinely worried for him other than his family.

Avneet snapped her gaze on the monitor and looked at the doctor wide-eyed. Her back tensed instantly. She was scared why it started beeping so fast. Without realising, she immediately wrapped her arms around Siddharth, wanting to protect him from whatever danger it was.

"Are you okay?! Doctor! Why is it beeping like that?!" she asked panicking. Doctor Amir just chuckled softly which made Siddharth flush. 'Dammit! I need to control myself.' Siddharth thought, feeling embarrassed at the knowing look doctor Amir threw at him.

"Don't worry, miss. He is okay. It was just a small reaction to your words," he said smiling at them while he was taking Siddharth's vitals. Avneet visibly relaxed closing her eyes. She knew her own heart was beating fast from the unknown threat she assumed.

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