Chapter - 19 Can I Buy You Dinner?

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This chapter is dedicated to CuddlyCuspid. Thank you for voting and commenting on my chapters. ❤️

~18 days later~

Avneet had learnt a lot of self defence techniques. She is a quick learner which impressed Siddharth. She didn't throw and tantrums at him. She did as he told her to much to Siddharth's disappointment. He kind of likes her stubbornness. Not that he would ever admit. After that day, both of them kept alert. That couldn't happen again. Both of them were determined of it.

For Avneet it drained her completely at the end of her day. She would be tired. But she won't ask Siddharth to spare a day for her. Nope. She was too prideful to do that. Waking up at 5am without his calling. Training for 3 hours (including breaks). Getting to school. She laughed silently with pink cheeks remembering a specific memory.

It was when Siddharth accompanied for the first time to her work.

Avneet had taken a leave for her healing. She rejoined after her hand was okay.

Avneet along with Siddharth came to the school. She was a bit anxious about him following her everywhere today. She knew she had to answer a lot of questions. Though she had already informed their principal about the bodyguard situation.

Both of them got strange looks from the teachers. Mostly she could feel females gaping at him and whispering gossips. Which annoyed her. And the males squinted their eyes at him as he drew all the attention to himself.

Not that it was his fault. He looked godly wearing his fitting formal suit. His black hair gelled perfectly. His sharp eyes roaming over everyone. Detecting danger. As the accident took over here, he was alert.

Little kids running and playing around. When suddenly,

"Avneet mam?" a small voice asked. She looked down to see an adorable little girl was looking at her with those big doe eyes. Her hands behind her back and she was swaying back and forth on her legs. Avneet crouched down. Siddharth stood still behind her observing the situation.

"Yes, Aditi." she replied. She felt weird. It was the same kid from her dream.

"Mam, who is he?" Aditi whispered in her ear which was audible to both Avneet and Siddharth. Avneet smiled at her but Siddharth's face remained stoic. Avneet glanced at him.

" my friend." Avneet said after thinking for a moment surprising him. Little Aditi looked at him tilting her head to the side.

"Why doesn't he smile like you?" she asked confused at the huge man. Avneet shrugged playfully at her.

"I don't know. Why don't you ask him?" she proposed. Aditi's eyes lit up. She went towards him. Siddharth raised an eyebrow at her. Avneet narrowed her eyes at him. He rolled his eyes and crouched down. Avneet smiled in triumph.

"What is your name mister?" she asked him. Siddharth gave a look to Avneet which said 'do I really have to do this?'. Avneet gave a look in return which said 'you don't have any other options'. He rolled his eyes and looked at the little being in front of him.

"Siddharth." he replied. Aditi's lips formed an 'O' and she nodded.

"Why don't you smile Mr. Siddharth?" she asked tilting her head to a side. He fought back a smile at her innocence.

"I don't know how to. Can you teach me?" he asked. Aditi vigorously nodded her head grinning ear to ear. She pointed to her mouth.

"Like this!" she said excitedly. He smiled at her. Aditi jumped.

"Yes! You did it." she said. Siddharth shook his head at her. Avneet smiled at their interaction. Something tugged at her heart seeing them.

"Are you Avneet mam's boyfriend?" she asked shocking both of them. Avneet choked on air. He shook his head.

"No." he replied. Aditi gave a cute pout. She was disappointed.

"Oh, I thought you were her boyfriend. She is my favorite teacher. And I like you. You look good together." she said disappointment clear in her tone. Avneet went bright red. She cleared her throat.

"Aditi beta, class will start soon. Why don't you join your friends there?" she asked still blushing. Siddharth who was also embarrassed was now fighting back a smile seeing her all red. Aditi nodded at her and waved at the two before taking off.

'Gosh, that was embarrassing." she thought as she got up from her bed and went downstairs to the kitchen. It was almost evening. She opened her fridge and took out a water bottle. They needed to visit grocery shop. She went to the living room where Siddharth was on his phone doing something. She stood beside him.

"Siddharth?" she asked softly. His attention went immediately to her. He loved it when she called him by his name. And he didn't know why his name never sounded so nice. He didn't let this show on his face. Ever.

"Hmm?" he asked looking at her.

"We need to go shopping." she told him ignoring the weird tug at her stomach when she heard his voice.

"Right now?" he asked pocketing his phone. She nodded.

"Alright. Let me change first." he said before going to his room. She followed him upstairs and went to her room. She quickly threw on some casual clothes and let her hair lose. She didn't put any makeup as she was not feeling it. When she went downstairs she found him already sitting on the couch waiting for her with the car keys. Driver was not present today. Both of them got outside the house. And got inside of the car. Siddharth wanted to drive.
'Male ego.' Avneet thought rolling her eyes. She was too tired to fight with him. And they took off.


Avneet and Siddharth were walking. Siddharth was looking at something in the back where she went forward with the cart wondering what should she buy.

"Avneet?" someone called. Avneet turned to the voice. Her eyebrows shot up.

"Dr. Rohan?" she asked confused. The man grinned and stood in front of her.

"Yes. How are you? How is your hand?" he asked furrowing his eyebrows. Siddharth on the other hand was confused. 'This feel like deja vu.' he thought. Avneet smiled hesitantly at him.

"Yeah, my hand is fine." she replied. Rohan was still grinning. 'Why is he grinning like an idiot?' Siddharth thought annoyed.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

" shopping?" she replied which seemed like a question itself. Rohan nodded.

"Oh, yes. Sorry. Well, sorry I couldn't contact you. I was busy slightly." he said. Avneet hesitantly nodded her head. Siddharth suddenly felt insecure.

"Oh it's fine." she replied. Rohan huffed out a breath.

"No, I'll feel bad about this. Can I make it up to you?" he asked. Avneet furrowed her eyebrows not understanding his point.

"Can I buy you dinner tomorrow evening?" he explained looking hopeful.

Hey guys!
Here is chapter nineteen. Hope you'll like it.

Sorry for the cliffhanger!

What do you think Avneet's reply will be?

How will Siddharth react?

How do you feel about Rohan?

What do you think will happen next?

Stay tuned to know more!👻

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Love ya'll ❤️


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