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Special Chapter

"(Y/N), where are you?"

You close your eyes when you hear his deep, baritone voice over the phone. It lingers deep down in your core and you can't help but to weakly smile upon hearing it. Before you could answer, you silently gritted in pain.

"In my house, Sir." You muttered softly, trying to sound fine as much as possible.

You can't work today since you're having a high fever. You also feel bad since you slip in the kitchen when you tried to get for some medicine and injured your leg. You feel hopeless and you don't want Daisuke to know it all since he'll start worrying and he might not be able to do his personal responsibilities because of you.

Right now, you are laying in your bed with your red stuffy nose and pale eyes. There's also a bandage in your legs and you feel really weak.

"I didn't see you in the office lately. Explain." He asked in a dominant tone.

You are trying to stop your sneeze. You don't have the strength to talk too much either. You feel really weak and you want to just sleep and rest for the whole day.

"I'm sick and my legs are injured, Sir Daisuke. I'll explain everything when I get better." You muttered.

"You're what?"

You sneeze and breath to grasp for some air, "I said I'm si—"

The call ended. You frown since he didn't even let you finish your words.

Because of such fever you lay silently in your bed. After a matter of minutes, your phone rings again.


"I'm on my way, you better wait for me, (Y/N). I've bought five different hospitals, you can choose wherever you want to be admitted. I'll ask HEUSC to buy a company of medical equipments. If you want to eat something, tell me and I'll buy a restaurant of your choice." He stated calmly.

Wow, he doesn't speak poor.

Your eyes widened as you sneeze once again. Your head aches even more upon mentally calculating the possible amount of money that he spent— for your sake.

"D-Daisuke you buy what?"

"Wait for me." He replied and ended the call.

Your eyes are still widened with what he stated. He buy companies as if he's just buying a piece of candy.

But you don't need luxurious or expensive things like those. You just want to rest and see him. Maybe some hot ramen with Daisuke will also do. You don't need material things, you just want to see him.

You close your eyes and feel a lot more dizzy because of your fever. After a few silent moment, you fell asleep.

You feel a soft warm thing pressed in your forehead for a second as you slowly open your eyes. Your eyelids feel heavy and your head is spinning heavily. Being sick sucks.

Your eyes landed on your side and your mouth parted weakly when you see Kambe Daisuke at the side of your bed, staring at you. You can't read his expression at all but it seems like he's worried and calm at the same time.

You are about to say something when he started. His gaze piercing you and it makes you unable to breath normally.

How can he do such thing?

"Sir, what are you doing here?"

"Don't speak. Conserve your strength."

His voice sounds fine as ever and you feel a little bit better when you see him. You feel at ease.

"Y-you have a lot of things to do, Sir." You whispered referring to his schedule today.

"I do. I have to take care of you." He replied and look at you sharply.

You want to at least look presentable in front of him but your face is already red because of the heat from your fever and your stuffy nose is not helping at all. Still, his words bring joy to your heart.

"I need your permission." He started.

"Of what?" You replied weakly.

"I need to carry you and bring you to the hospital."

You tried to smile weakly, "But it's just a fever, Sir Daisuke. I'll be f-fine after some rest."

Daisuke look at you intensely, "Fuck permission, I'll carry you whether you like it or not."

Why does he sound elegant and sexy while cursing?


Before you can protest, your body got separated from your bed as Daisuke gently carries you in a bridal style. You're wearing a pajama and your legs are sore but with his gentle arms, you feel safe.


"Take a rest." He stated shortly. But this time, his voice sound gentle.

You close your eyes and lean in his chest. You feel safe in his arms. You feel at ease.

"You don't have to do this." You whispered, feeling your eyelids getting even heavier as you lean on his chest.

Daisuke starts walking towards the door, he's literally serious when he said he'll bring you to the hospital.

"I'll need your consent later. For now, your health comes first."

Those are the last words you hear from him as you fall asleep in his warm grasp. Your body is too weak but you know everything will be fine because you're not alone anymore.

In his arms, you're resting.


TIED: Kambe Daisuke X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now