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Chapter IXX

"Suzue, why are there no persons here?" You asked as silence occupies the place. There's a place where Suzue parks the chopper and upon seeing the scenery, no one is seen except the both of you.

"Probably because Daisuke-sama says so. This entire place is already his private property."

You nodded, fascinated with how beautiful the entire place is.

"But what about the people living here—"

"He pays them with a huge amount of money."

"I see." That's all you can answer. Daisuke can literally do that.

"Ah, (Y/N)-sama, I'll leave you here. Daisuke-sama is on his way. Bye and enjoy!" Suzue stated cheerfully before walking towards the helicopter.

"W-wait, Suzue—"

Suzue wave her hands and give you a bright smile before she starts the engine. The loud sound from the helicopter echoes in the silent place as it starts floating towards the air leaving you alone in a huge place.

W-where will I go?

You started walking towards the white sand beach that you've seen there. You can't take your eyes off with the scenery. Everything feels calm and refreshing. The air breeze is also one of a kind. You take your shoes off as you feel the satisfying sand in your feet.

It's still early and this is place is beautiful.

You get your phone in your pocket as you dial Daisuke's number for the second time.

After a seconds, he answers the call.

"Sir, I've already arrived her—"


Your eyes widened when you hear a loud gun shot in the other line, "S-Sir, Daisuke, where are you?"

"I'm fine, good to know that you've arrived safely. I just have to finish something off." He replied in a serious and calm tone.

"B-But those are gunshots, please be safe." You whispered.

"I will. Wait for me."

The call ended as your heart feels nervous after knowing Daisuke's current situation. It is possibly related to his job as a detective.

You know how he can handle himself but the idea of Daisuke getting hurt is just frightening.

You sit on the white sand as you stare at the magnificent horizon. The clouds are calm and gentle. The ocean waves are dancing in the rhythm of time.

You are alone in this place as you wait for Daisuke's safe arrival.

"Is she safe?" A voice from the other line asked in such seriousness as Suzue nodded while looking at the holographic informations inside the helicopter.

The vehicle is being piloted automatically that's why Suzue is busy hacking the necessary information that Daisuke needed.

"She is, Daisuke-sama. I leave her in the island but I'm still checking on her at this moment. What about the Mafia spy that is caught roaming around (Y/N)-sama's house? Did he speak?"

"We're on a raid, and yes, I've already gathered information about that person. (Y/N) is their primary target." Daisuke stated in a low tone, but anger is visible in his voice.

Suzue nodded and she's looking in you from her holographic screen. You're currently sitting on the sand while hugging your legs and you look precious. Suzue smiles as she replied something.

"(Y/N)-sama is waiting for you. Don't worry I'll protect her from afar. She'll be safe."

"Good," Daisuke stated as another gunshots are heard, "Keep an eye on her, Suzue."

Suzue nodded as she stares at you from her screen, "I will, Daisuke-sama."

Finally, Daisuke-sama has someone who he wants to protect at all cost.

Suzue gets her phone as she contacted your number. She giggled as she sees you panicking while getting your phone.

"Who is it?"

"It's me, Suzue. How are you, (Y/N)-sama?" Suzue asked gently while staring at your reaction from her screen.

Your eyes brighten when you hear her voice. Your lips also form into a genuine smile with excitement.

She's kind and gentle. Suzue smiled upon seeing you.

"Suzue, whoa!" Your voice are really excited, "How did you get my number? Anyway, this place is amazing!"

Suzue chuckled but then she sees your face turn into a sad expression.

"But Daisuke... he might be in danger. I heard gunshots when he called lately. I'm really nervous for him but I know he's capable of protecting himself. It's just that, I feel bothered knowing that his life is currently on the line at this very minute." You whispered.

Suzue feels the sincerity in your voice,  "Don't worry, (Y/N)-sama, he'll be fine."

In the reality, your life is the one on the line here, (Y/N)-sama. Your life is in danger.

"I'm praying for his safety," You replied, "And Suzue thank you for your guidance! You're really beautiful and kind."

Suzue's heart melted with your words as she feels her eyes getting teary.

"Thank you, (Y/N)-sama. Please relax at the moment. You'll be safe, I promise."

Suzue sees you smile.

"Awww," You whispered and Suzue chuckles before she ends the call.

It's the start of everything. I will protect the both of you as much as I can.


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