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"Hey baby!" Ben called after getting back from running the maze. He greeted me by kissing my forehead. "I've gotta go map some things, but I'll be back in a few." He yelled, winking at me.

Ben and I have been dating for 3 months, almost four. Tomorrow would mark the day of our anniversary. There would also be a new Greenie! I always get so excited to meet the new people. Everyone at the glade was so sweet and followed all the rules. It was actually kind of nice.

I sat on the watch tower chatting away with Newt. He's one of my best friends in the glade. I'm best friends with almost everyone, but he's definitely a favorite.

He was the first one to greet me and introduce me to everyone here. Shuck, if it weren't for him I would've never met Ben. He's like the brother I'll never have.

"I wonder what the new greenie will be like." I told Newt.. He chuckled.
---"Y/N, you say that every time."
"I can't help my curiosity!"
---"Curiosity killed the cat." Newt joked, laughing.
"Yeah, well I'm not a cat!" I snickered.
---"Hey, Y/N, do you ever think the creators will stop sending people up?"
"Uh no, why would they?"
---"Dunno, just a thought Y/N."

Newt laid his hand on mine, but I pulled it away.

Ever since I started dating Ben, Newt's been super touchy. It's actually kind of weird. He blushed and looked at me apologetically. "It's okay." I mutter, and Ben climbs up the watch tower.

"What's my beautiful girl up to?! Hey Newt!" He exclaims in the cheery mood he's always in. He's never upset, it's one of the things I love about him.

"Hey Ben. I'll see you later Y/N." Newt mumbles and climbs down. He seems kind of upset, but he always gets like that when Ben's around.

Strange kid. I thought.
Ben sits by me and kisses my cheek.
"So, Y/N. I tried talking to Alby about getting the day off tomorrow to spend time with you, but that shuckface wouldn't budge. Then I tried talking to Newt. He started blabbing off about order and told me no."
I chuckled. "Aww Ben. Too bad we're surrounded by order freaks."
Ben laughs. "I'm sorry baby, I really want to make tomorrow special." He states, getting closer to my face and caressing my cheek.

"That's okay. As long as you're here with me." I said, he nodded and planted a kiss on my lips. That little kiss soon became a make out session. I was on top of him, while he brushed his fingers through my hair, scanning my face, studying my features.

"Ben, I love you." I breathed.
"Y/N, I love you too."
"Please don't leave me."
"Never." He kissed me once again.
"Hey Ben, Y/N! Get down here! Dinner's ready!" Chuck shouted. I sighed, "Let's continue this later."

A/N thank you for 30 views guys ily all so much and I hope that you enjoyed this one, although it was short. If any of you ever need to talk I'm here. Love you all❤️

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