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Newt's POV;
After I gave the greenie the tour, I looked around for Y/N. She wasn't in her room so she was probably in the deadheads. I found her sitting in the corner of the glade, the two concrete walls surrounding her.

"Hey Y/N." She didn't look up or anything, she was staring at the dead, brittle leaves on the ground. After a while she answered, "hm?"
"Do you uh, wanna see Ben?" I asked. Her eyes shot up at me.

They were red, puffy, and full of tears, she didn't look like herself at all. I felt so bad that I wasn't there to comfort her when she needed me, I was busy with that bloody shuck greenie. "Yes please.." She ran up to me and wrapped her arms around me. I was tense at first, but then hugged back. That was probably the first time we've hugged. I grabbed her wrist and we walked to the Medjacks hut.

Alby was standing by the door and Y/N let out a frustrated sigh. "Alby, let her in." I pleaded. After a while of convincing, he allowed her to go in.

Clint and Jeff were in the room, so I nodded at them to leave. I smiled slightly as they shut the door behind them.

Y/N rushed over to the bed he was laying on, and her hand covered her mouth. She examined his body as tears filled her eyes.

"Would you like me to leave?" I asked, but she she shook her no.

900 views?!?! Wow I love you guys❤️❤️❤️ I hope you all are happy because you deserve happiness and if you aren't, remember that I'm here and you are all worth it and amazing. Sorry this is so short btw, should I post another today?
How often should I update this story?

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