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Everything seemed to be falling apart when Ben was gone, and now that he's here, everything is falling apart once again.

"What's wrong Y/N?" Gally asked.

"Just boy nonsense." I muttered, wiping stubborn tears from my eyes.

"Newt's mad at me for talking to Ben, I think. I hate being the only girl."

"Hey, Y/N, it's okay. Newt will get over it, he loves you and Ben will respect that and accept it or he'll risk something and probably get banished again."

"He said he wants to make it up to me, the anniversary and everything."

"Tell him to not bother with it."

"But what if--"

"Just try it Y/N, and when Newt calms down explain that you have no feelings for Ben.. You don't right?"

"It's not easy to get over someone you've loved for years."

"I know, but you've got to try. Just think of all the things you hate about him."

"What if there's nothing?"

"C'mon Y/N, nobody's perfect, of course there are some things. It just takes time. Time will heal everything."

"Time is three years and we're still stuck here. Nothing is better yet."

"But it will be." Gally gave me an assuring smile, "Now get to work."

He never seemed like the always positive type; I guess I misjudged him.

"Thank you." I smiled and rushed to the medjack hut.

"Hey Clint, Jeff."


We quickly greeted each other and I went to the room where I waited for gladers needing assistance.

I snooped through the cabinets and read labels, something I always did when I was bored out of my mind.

"Y/N." An oh-so familiar name said.

I turned around to see Newt standing by the doorway, holding his own hand with an apologetic look on his face.

"What do you want?" I snarled, slamming the cabinets.

"I got a cut."

"Where?" I rolled my eyes as Newt sat on the medjack bed.

"On my heart." Newt muttered.

"Cut the cheesiness." I rolled my eyes, looking away.

After I said that as sternly as I could manage, I bursted with laughter.

"Or.. Cut the cheese!" I continued laughing uncontrollably until it wasn't funny anymore.

I think I even heard Newt stifle a laugh.

"Okay now what do you want? Because that pathetic cut on your finger is a lame excuse to talk to me."

Just kidding, that's actually really cute. I thought and smiled mentally.

Guys!!!! If I became active on
my YouTube would you all watch my videos?? If so, I have an unlisted video on my second channel if you want to check it out! Click the little globe near my profile description! It would mean so much if you could give me feedback or even a thumbs up! Or even subscribe haha! I love you all sooo much and please never forget how beautiful you are because you are TRULY BREATHTAKING. LIKE AH YOU ARE THE MOST EXPENSIVE MASTERPIECE IN THE MUSEUM!!!!

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