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Life is a series of unexpected situations, and it never goes the way you would like it to. I can't even remember my childhood, but I remember my mom. She was such an amazing person; her eyes sparkled like no other.

I remember the day WICKED took me. It was a dark stormy evening when I was held in my mom's safe arms for the last time. She wiped my salty tears with her cold fingertips and whispered that it would be okay.

I never got to see her again, but I can still feel the cool touch of her fingertips in the swirls of the wind.

It's boggles my mind how quickly time has passed. Three years ago, a few other teenagers and I were put in a place where there seemed to be no escape, in the middle of a shucking maze.

I was the only girl stuck with gross, hormonal, teenage boys.

Back then, It seemed like the worst place on Earth, until I fell in love with a breathtaking boy.

After that, the glade was the most romantic place ever--despite the grievers, you could swim in a lake and have cute picnics, sit on top of the watch tower and gaze upon the artificial lights in the sky.

Ben was my life, my love, my everything, but then he got stung, on our anniversary, which proceeded to him attacking Thomas and getting banished.

He was gone.

My world was obviously crushed, I had no life after that, I was just living in a boring routine, wake up, eat, work, sleep, my life consisted of me waiting to finally die.

But then, Newt and I started talking again.

Oh Newt, the beautiful boy with the brown, glistening eyes.

The sweetheart with the accent, the glue.

I have always been in love with him. He showed me things no one has ever showed me before. He changed my perspective on life, even though he himself questioned life sometimes.

You would never think such an astounding person would want to commit suicide, but he did, and he tried, but failed. And grievers, I am so glad he failed.

I wouldn't have made it this far without him. He saved me when nobody else saw me hurting, he picked me up when nobody seemed to care, and he loved me when I couldn't even love myself.

Of course, I did the same for him, because although he seemed well off as second in command, he really wasn't, and he needed a little loving.

With a few intelligent moves, we were out of the maze in a matter of five years, and with Newt by my side, the time went even quicker.

It was such a breath of relief when we finally figured out the pathetic maze password. I felt as if the answer was in front of us the whole entire time.

Once we escaped the maze, we thought that was the end, but of course, it wasn't. We were then put into The Scorch; possibly the most horrifying place ever.

Heat, no water, and cranks were not a good mixture. Gee, those cranks. Just thinking about them gives me the creeps. Skin hanging from their face and their oozing cuts makes me want to hurl, it's not an attractive sight.

Being separated from Newt for a period of time was terrible, it was just Thomas, Brenda, and I, as we hopelessly wandered through the scorch. Time seemed to drag on for so long when I was stuck third wheeling with Thomas and Brenda.

When I finally saw Newt again you better believe I kissed his face so much; his pale complexion turned as red as a tomato.

He looked rough, his hair was dirty and messy, and his face was home to many cuts, but somehow he still remained looking overly handsome to me.

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